I only have like 25 pics, but mine are up on my facebook.
Some great photos I see of the event! Nice captures.
Are you guys using any type of flash diffusers or are you not allowed to use flash?
Another crowd video. Not mine. By 1UP’s Richard Li: [media=vimeo]13324213[/media]
Most of people’s pics at Evo this year will be grainy due to the no-flash restriction upon tournament play. Lighting at Caesars wasn’t that good so people had to step up to ISO 1600 or HI 3200. I have a bunch of pics and I’m gonna work on noise reduction.
really no flash? cuz i was using flash like a mofacka the entire time. sorry about that evo staff
This video is surreal. The music is so cool. I especially like the change of focus in the beginning.
lol @ daigo boob signing. He looks nervous.
That’s his nervous face?
i used 3 off-camera speedlites placed off the sides of the stage bounced off the ceiling for some of saturday. oops :o
Awesome vid.
Sick video by Richard Li!
This is fantastic
hopefully i can get day 2 and 3 (finals) up today. took a week off work and have been busy catching up…
hopefully i can get day 2 and 3 (finals) up today. took a week off work and have been busy catching up…
I’m curious if anyone snapped a photo of the guy dressed as Guy, yeah I was that guy.
unfortunately, since i had to help watch over the stream, most of my pictures are restricted to the stage and areas thereabout.
I can understand about not using flash during play. I know that ISO levels would have to be increased BIG time in High ceiling low light situations too, but for the most part lot of you peeps took some incredible photos.
THAT VIDEO BY RICHARD IS AWESOME!!. I love the Depth of Field and the expression on Alex Valle was priceless. Great Capture:rock::rock::rock::rock:
Also Ski going crazy at the end with HYPE… LMAO!!! Was he Crumping!!!
everyone keeps talking about ISO level but in my opinion maybe the aperature setting shouldve been reduced to let in more light. and thanks for the pic karaface, your the only one that has me lol. I was the guy in the purple suit
True, but the F/stop is only good if you have a lens that is, I would see, F2.8 or lower and still this is not using flash. ISO level would help tremendously especially for a faster shutter speed in conjunction with a good f/stop. The “noise” is always going to be their no matter.
If we would have reduced aperture level that much, we would have pictures that would only be focused at one point. Also, not all of us have the cash for a wide angle or high luminosity lens. My 18-200 starts at 4.0 and that’s what I had to work with. At ISO 3200 my shutter speed would be at 60.
i shot wide open at 1.2/1.4 and 2.8 most of the time.
i still shot at ISO 1600/3200 most of the time, too.