Evo goodies for sale!

Just so you all know, the banners looks like will be done tomorrow. As soon we receive them, they will be shipped promptly. The shirts, should be sent out no later then a day or two from now.

How much is it to ship to Mexico?

all shirts and sticks shipped


Sticks or banners?

hey im in london how do i get the evolution dvds and how much will it cost?

Shirts arrived in good shape. Awaiting banners. Good shit Wiz & crew.

Most Banners were shipped out today. Thanks for your patience!

Including to this red coat ?

I’ll double check on yours British guy :slight_smile:

Damn Brits, always doubting us Americans to do anything. :rolleyes: That’s why you lost to us the first time. =p


Ahhh put a LOCK on it and my people never faught urs in the war. My mistake for using the red coat term :karate:

Were we supposed to get some kind of confirmation email when they shipped out?

Can’t wait for his Nina Williams banner

Some of the Tekken banners arrived a little later than expected, but expect them to arrive at your door step this week. But all of the Capcom / Guilty Gear ones should already arrived.

How long shall I wait for my banner to arrive ? whats the latest it should arrive.

well did it get sent and how long will it take ?

Still waiting…

sorry I am a bit confused, still waiting for what ?

Mai banner to arrive to you ?, Mai banner to arrive to me ?

I ordered 3(IIRC) banners, and am still waiting on them to arrive. =x