Trying to grind out one-framers on pad makes me never want to touch USF4 again.
I don’t have much time to play SF so whenever i do it’s always enjoyable because it’s a break off of work. But a few things that kept me going
Finding the right character
I played sakura for about a year only to realise i am far too boring and passive for her. Picked up Evil Ryu (and started dabbling with Rose) and found he had the perfect combo of ground game and high damage combos. The character just felt right and gave me drive to play. Also helps he is top tier -
More endless
The frustration of being beaten by someone who made some questionable unpredictable decisions (putting it nicely) and losing points can make it less enjoyable. That pressure isn’t there in endless plus if you do come across this player type (or any other for that matter) you have the chance to adapt and think about your opponenet -
Use training mode
Not only does it give you a break from online, i found going through specific situations i encountered in matches sooooo helpful (e.g. what can i do against akumas two hitting roundhouse thing on block, or ryus cr mp, cr mk frame trap). Plus i felt like it was a way i could measure my improvement instead of points. Whether i win or lose at the least i’ve been able to learn something about the match up for the next time.
Good luck!