European HDR Fortnightly Pools

I’m still missing almost all results from Pool A :frowning:

I’m not sure if you guys didn’t get the matches in, or just haven’t reported them (apart from Shari). I’ll message people now as I don’t really want to drop half the players… :frowning:

I’m so sorry… i only played the match vs Sharizord…I was very busy at work, and time is running so fast…So, it’s my fault…Maybe i can play the match vs Aerorockman soon (today maybe…or not… :xeye: ) or maybe you can just count my non-played matches as lost… :tdown:

Ok. Bah… this is pretty disappointing this week. I’m gonna call a break for at least a week to have a chat with a few of you guys. Is this too frequent for people? Not interesting enough? Would you prefer one-off tournaments and such… ? I really want to keep doing some kind of organised online games, but I can’t spend much more of my own time than this unfortunately right now to help arrange matches and get the reporting done, which I suspect is the tricky part for most people?
Please post your thoughts or message me if you prefer to keep it private; I won’t take offense at anything btw, feel free to speak your mind! :slight_smile:

i guess finding the other people is the tricky bit. I dont personally know everyone in the pool, its not as if everyone is even on my Xbox buddy list.

I was really busy with work last week, but I managed to jump on for 45 minutes a time twice over the weekend…and none of the guys i needed to play were online. Shari sent me a couple of messages, which i didnt get until i logged on, and he wasnt online so that doesnt really help.

Thanks for the feedback Iron! I can understand that problem… although I’ve actually added everyone I could to my FL now since if you’re the kinda player who wants to do this, I wanna be your friend! :slight_smile:

The alternative that could make things easier though is the WWL model where everyone has to play their games on a single night. The trouble is that it locks out people who can’t play on that particular night. For example I couldn’t play in the WWL Europe cos it was on Tuesday nights when I was always busy back then.

I was thinking of maybe a hybrid where we’d specify a weeknight that would be good for most people to be on - but then if you don’t get your matches played you’d still have 2 weeks to try and catch up.

One suggestion too: If you’re trying to get a game in with someone with someone who’s not around, try to message them with the next time you’re going to be online, so they can try and make it if they see the message in time.

BTW I know real life is unpredictable, but if you know you won’t have much time to play for a fortnight, please just let me know and drop for a while, you can come back when you have more time! :slight_smile:

As mentioned in the Stunfest thread… don’t forget this guys.

My current plan is to try and get a couple of players with video capture I know interested, and I want to run an Evo-style tournament, most likely starting on a Sunday afternoon for time reasons. Sound interesting anyone?

you asked for feedback but I dig the current system. All I ask is that you update the thread a bit more clearly. Not just in the first post but when you make new pools bump the thread with a post containing the new pools.

Thanks! :slight_smile: No problem for me to do that, I just thought the first page would be easier, but I’ll do both next time to cover all the bases.

Is any particular weeknight good for you to be on? I could message people and try and encourage them to be online on, say, Tuesday nights so hopefully most people could get most matches played then.

Honestly, even though I’ve been guilty of being late myself there is no reason why the current time frame shouldn’t work.

I like the emphasis on a certain night though to get most of the matches out of the way and I think it provides more honest results if all matches are being played under the same personal conditions. Instead of one person getting a tired Fulaani and another getting a well warmed up Fulaani.

Where can I look up the pools?

Tschesae - page 1 of this thread. But there isn’t anything running right now. I’ll message you all when I start something up again. Unless people message me to get the regular pools back, but it seems quite a few people were struggling or not enjoying the format… I’m a bit in the dark what the trouble was though for some.

I am fine with the system right now and will be back and of march but would not have problems with changes in general.
I would stick to the 2 weeks period length though. Its not to long and not to short in my opinion. An additional fixed day and time for people come together and play their games could be an improvement for matchmaking but it shouldnt be obligatory to be available for play at this time but I know this is not your intention anyway.
Its the same as on The important thing is that the guys who dont like the system like it is right now speak up.

Ok thank’s for the info. I’ll right there if it start’s over.

Just waiting on someone who can video capture some of the matches, hopefully in the next few weeks!

SCarGFX can right?

Not yet he tells me, but soon I hope.

I just bought a really cheap usb capture card called a plexgear videograbber.

I could record some matches for you the only problem so far i have is that its only black and white for some reason but hopefully i will be able to solve that by the time it comes around to actually recording.

Scratch that apparently this does not support ntsc_433 no wonder it was so cheap.

Ok, as promised, it took a while, but I’m arranging a one-off double elimination tournament for Sunday 11th April. Full details here: