Enemies of the State: Matchups thread

For the Doom match-up, Cap needs to find multiple openings whereas Doom just needs one (Footdive or a backthrow). With any of Dooms direct aerial approaches (both footdives, box/tri-dashes) you can stars and stripes him out of it. Try not to turtle as it makes his attacks more likely to cross you up. And be especially careful with pressing buttons when you’re in range of his footdive, especially when you’re beneath him.

Essentially the match-up between Cap and Doom comes down to how Cap deals with Doom’s aerial zoning (if a Doom wants to play on the ground against you they are not playing the match up to Doom’s advantage). Try and get in the air before he does and utilize your shield slashes. A lot of the time you may just cancel out his proton shots without actually landing a hit on him, but it’s really a battle of patience, willpower and anticipation. The point is to try and get him to stay on the ground, where you have the advantage. Try and be careful though, as Doom may throw out a [S]random[/S] unpredicted sphere flame.

If you manage to get him to stay ground, use your assists for mix-ups (triple arrow for left-right cartwheel and Nova for unblockable low/overhead set-up). The gameplan is to try and get Doom to not cap at the top of the screen, because it’s hard for you to get him down as you don’t have an anti-air assist (and hopefully he won’t be using Strider neither).

With Nova, javelins are your best tool against Doom. And if he tries proton arrays and all that other nonsense, set up a gravemetric pulse. Doom should not be able to fly in on Nova.

As for Hawkeye- Arrows. His air H has great range as well. Just keep zoning him and running away if he gets close to you.

Though if you face Doom/Ammy you’re on your own.

Thanks for all the information, really helpful. However, what do I do when Doom starts normal jumping and spamming the green lazer + assist calls? If he has a decent assist it cancels my hawkeye assist and if I try to shield slash him, his gun comes out faster and it leads to a free hitconfirm to death.

Doom is a weird match up for cap but winnable. The main issues is the aerial advantage and his projectiles can actually be so strong they invalidate SS and even make CS very hard to use. What you want to do is a lot of super jumps when he goes in the air and then patiently use your double jump to create a bait out and SS him or dj.:d+:h:. If you can get anything off of it, just block and repeat as now you’re closer if you didn’t advance guard. Your main goal here is simply to knock him back down with advantage to start an attack. Even on the ground, double jump baits outs are an essential strategy to getting doom to create holes for you to attack. The whole match up is having doom make mistakes and attempting to get above him.

This is also why having anti-air assists are so valuable to cap too. Doom(missile)/strider(vajra)/RR(log)/dante(jam) can all be very useful in this match up. If you don’t have something like this your whole plan turns to forcing him to fall down by blocking and air attack or hitting him, and when he lands creating assist pressure strings to keep him from jumping. Calling an assist and doing j.:qcf+:m: above his head can be really aggravating to a doom attempting to jump away from the assist and start his air game. They can’t jump and the assist holds them there to endure more pressure.

Avoid relying on CS when doom goes into beams unless close or you cancel early in to hyper CS. Doom’s beams lasts so long and with so many hits it slows caps forward movement and outlasts most cs attempts. Do however do assist+cs when doom instigates a normal jump attack.

A good way to annoy an air doom is to constantly do :qcb:+:h: whenever he does a move so you always cross him up and avoid it. You can do this to force them to play a different game if they don’t have a lifelead to time out with.

Last but not least, doom’s zoning is hard for him to combo off of from super jump height or fullscreen without a proper dhc or assist to make it work. Use this moment to hard tag in a better match up.

Eh, I have worse luck against Zeros than Dooms. I guess it’s because movement with Zero is easier. Everytime I throw a shield, Zeros easily dodge them while Dooms just have to block them.

against doom its just frustrating that shield slash only takes out one single finger laser.

You will need to adjudge the spacing between you and Doom, as well as his attack pattern. If he’s within range, charging star him, especially if he’s using a lockdown assist such as cold star, drones etc. If he’s out of range of a charging star, I would recommend up-backing to eliminate the high-low ix up, as well as a potential cross-up.

Also, try and not to be predictable with shield slashes. Sometimes, you could deliberately let Doom get in on you, as you’re at the advantage when he’s close and on the ground, especially with your assists. But be careful if you try to bait him in this way, especially as he can use his -> :h: after his light sabre.

Again, I’d say the most important thing is to be patient. You may not always be able to attack and you may often be on the receiving end of Doom’s pressure. If it’s especially difficult, try and wait until his assists are recovering to find a safer opening against him.

I have begun to use Cap/Tony/Viper and using j.ss h with cartwheels + unibeam is great vs doom. Also, m cs+ timed unibeam forces frame trap. Either they’ll attack and get hit with unibeam or block it and going low typically opens them up.

Be careful with that. A lot of people punish CS wrong by throwing out :l:'s, if you get a smart player they will always attempt to throw a CS since there’s no reason not to unless you have an assist the makes a true block string with + frames.

M works better due o the fact that it has a small window to punish, so if they do, unibeam catches them and you get free punish. Essentially, its a bait move.

If you’re frame trapping inbetween CS to the assist, you can always be thrown out of it. Throws are 1 frame and will beat out the frame trap. The bait out is valid on certain players and to occasionally check them with but be careful. Once a player learns this out they can just keep spamming throw. If it’s a true block string, they’ll be stuck in block stun and remain blocking, if you create a frame trap gap, the throw will always win. This holds true for doing CS into slightly delayed :dp:+:atk::atk:, it will frame trap all normals, but always lose to throw.

I believe you can do a true block string with that assist so mix it up if you intend to use that tactic. If you use a safe block string you and see them advance guard the whole way or if you notice they attempt to punish with normals, than ya do the frame trap.

IFBpwnstar’s spot on.

Just a little add-on, when I use(d) charging star plus beam assist, I always did it so that the charging star I used would end whilst the beam is still active. If it hits, you’ll recover in time to convert of the beam. If it doesn’t, you’re still safe.

I figured I would go around and post this on character forums so folks can check it out:

Alright fellow Caps I come in some serious need of help. I am getting completely blown up by MODOK like no tomorrow. Lost a money match 10-0 to a MODOK/Trish/Nova (still licking my wounds). Maybe its the salt in me talking but I feel that MODOK is a hard counter to Cap,can float in the air easily outside of any shield slashes I could possible throw, set up shop with a shield that block assists calls with rolls and Charging Stars and if I go for a normal CS into Stars and Stripes or Hyper Charging Star bait his grab hyper completely negates it. I have no clue how to honestly approach this match-up as it seems that MODOK can merely toy with Cap and counter all his tools end salty complaints please help

The only way for Cap to get in on MODOK is to literally wait for him to come down as all characters have to come down at some point and take the opportunity. If you have some good anti air assists, you can try using them to force/annoy him to come down (like Vajra, Hidden missiles and Jam Session). If you have some alright ground assists like beams or something to ensure they stay on the ground for a while to pressure/mix them up. Assists that allow comboing off an air throw is also pretty much a must for this matchup. Learning to convert off super jump height will also help a bit (although they’ll be blocking for the most of it).

What are your assists?

Cap actually has a very decent game vs modok if you know what you’re doing and with the right assists. By chance…were you at SCR and was this Modok/RR/ammy? I play a modok player using my Cap/Doom(missile)/vergil(rapid). I try to stay full screen , call doom every time i land, then super jump and watch modok carefully, then double jump SS. Your goal is simply to get him to block it or waste his actions in air without getting hit. Once he’s on the ground I call vergil as i jump and throw :qcf:+:l: to protect vergil if i see him try to punish the assist, or throw :qcf:+:m: to block his jump and move in. Use constant SS’s that aim over him to trap him while abusing assists to get pressure.

I run Taskmaster Arrows and Skrull Stone Smite for my Cap so I do really have to just wait for him to come down with those assists then.

Naw lol, I’m from Buffalo, New York it would have been sweet though to go to SCR. The MODOK I have uses Trish Peekaboo and Nova Centurion Rush assists and man is it frustrating but I’d be willing to learn Doom and Vergil if it helps me with this match-up

actually i have a video from a local tournament:


I lose, but you can see what I’m doing to keep modok in check. We were both all tourny nerved out so lot of mistakes on both ends (bad x-factors, doom foot dive spam, and the modok dropping combos he never drops). Ignore my doom and vergil though, I was still getting used to them as characters.

Start at 1:54:00

Eh in the vid SS is doing fine. Everytime modok blocks it, he has to fall back down. There’s a myriad of way’s to combine that with an assist to help keep him down there once he’s down. If you had sentinal assist you could trap him after a block for instance. Missiles is just one of the more direct approaches.

I hope Jint won’t mind- I just saw his response on how to deal with Morrigan which was really good and I’ll post it here:

Apologies if this has already been said, but apparently Hyper Charging Star is not immune to 7 Rings of Raggador. I had Dorm on point and thought I was going to win a match by baiting out a 7 rings with Chaotic Flame then DHC into Captain to finish Strange off and nope. Tested in training mode and it definitely beats HCS. :frowning: