Elite Avatar Guild

spiral avatar

:china:Could i request a premium sized animated spiral av with my name on it somewhere thanks

:u: Who made the one you have currently?

Quite awesome.

Anyone there???:sweat:

i believe this thread is kinda closed, my pplz.

I have a request for a new av. Something crazy with Phobos & cecil. maybe riding around in Phobos /Car mode and transforming into his es super gun and killing whole bunch of banana eating Sas. Thanks

Explore Mike Beauchamp

raises hand

Lol, I’d close this thread, but I think it’s pretty funny to see people still requesting.


^ werd

could you upload that somewhere else, photobucket shrinks pics

Sent Pm. Thanks

Requesting Avatar

Hey guys. I have an Avatar request!

Basically it’s just a neat picture of Ken performing a Shoryuken a rich blue Gi and having the name “CCatalyst” down at the bottom.

Pretty please?

Sure I’ll make that Ken avatar for you ! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Is there a reason you’d act like an ass when I am requesting something like that in an avatar request thread?

I bet it makes you feel pretty big about yourself.

Giving bad rep to people because they don’t know a thread is dead when it is listed as active in the sticky topic that asks you to read it before requesting, and then lists the “active” avatar requests thread, is a pretty cool thing to do. I guess I’m supposed to just know somehow which threads are and aren’t even if they aren’t locked and are listed as active.

i would love a avatar of akuma missing raging demons, over an over, then my name in kanji pop up like they landed. that would make me very happy.
ps. thank you for reading

You’d probably have better luck in a thread that hasn’t been dead for 7 months:

Haha another bump.

This thread is such great noob bait.


Thanks Quiche and Valaris. Yes I am new here thanks for pointing that out. Thanks for the imput! you guys rule!!!



Rep for the man who makes me a prem avatar with any of the following:

Asian honeys

:rofl: Wow, some guys are trying a little too hard to win that dumbest poster of the year award… dood.