Eat. Sleep. Code: The Computer Programming Thread, Ver. 010

I disagree, since you are rounding the results, you should always return an integer here from 0-359, depending on how many degrees difference there is. Returning a float wouldn’t be necessary (you’re not gonna return a non whole number)

Mmm, I missed the part where it said it should be rounded.

quoted for future job get. jk

Pimp Willy, you should tutor in your spare time. My uni pays students £30 per hr for holding extra classes, £15 for helpers. :tup:

What spare time? : ( Having a family takes pretty much all your free time away lol

I like sites like and Alot of good practice there on multiple levels to get your skills up.

As far as projects are concerned. I think you should either work on plug-ins for established products or mobile development. The reasons are two fold. The first since your laid off, you don’t have time for any projects that will take a large amount of time. Youll want to finish things quickly so you can add them to your resume with more confidence. The second is, you might come across people that might pay you to build their app for instance. You get experience and alil income your way. Best of luck to you, hope you find a position sooner than later

Man, SRK’s dark theme is shit for showing code blocks. Background AND text nearly the same color.

Came across this today. Its an article about different keyboard layouts. Could be beneficial for some. I’m thinking of giving it a try.

I would use an alternative keyboard just to type a post as if it was a QWERTY, and let you guys try and figure it out.

Edit: Wait is this software to change the keys? Nice. I might do this post anyway.

Aoo jpf gfjs awr a vfkmy pt vfbbrabrws akh U yp;r jpf aoo grb yrw;rs.

Hey, do any of you guys still read programming books? I’ve heard they’re dying out in usefulness compared to the internet, but I still like the inherent structure and research a book holds.

I’ve been coding along with a set of youtube tutorials in C#, trying to get my basic skills up before I tackle a project. However, I have a TON of programming books in my library from torrenting. I figured I’d tear through the youtube tutorials to get my feet wet, and that would help me get through books faster when I read them. The problem is there’s so many and even when looking up their ratings on Amazon, some are old. As in, 2005 old. So, my question, for those of you who still read books, is how do you know when a tech book is obsolete? There are some that are timeless (e.g The Pragmatic Programmer and Code Complete), but which aren’t? Is there a time frame? A tech that just isn’t being used anymore?

No internet resource could ever replace Code Complete for me - that’s just not going to happen. Robert C. Martin’s Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C# feels timeless to me as well - that book was/is the foundation for pretty much everything I know about OO design. I don’t see that book going obsolete unless the industry moves on from OO into something completely different.

As for when a tech book goes obsolete, I’d say it depends on whether the book primarily deals with a specific technology or whether the book is a more generic discourse on some aspect of programming. Books on a certain technology obviously are obsolete when that technology becomes obsolete, whereas the more generic books tend to pretty much have an indefinite lifetime.

I own the Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days book that I bought years ago. Helped me out a lot. I also have the books that I got from my classes.

On the subject of programming books, I hate it when the code examples don’t actually work. I hate it even more when the code isn’t commented. A huge pet peeve of mine is code without comments explaining what the code does.

what do you guys think about Python? Is a viable language to learn?

Python, it is viable to learn, yes? Is any language viable to learn? I don’t understand the question. Could you have meant, “Is it a good language to start with?” In that case, I think it is a good language to start with because you can write code piece meal in the interpreter while learning. Then you can upgrade to an actual IDE gui.

You can try for a nice and easy interface into basic scientific computing and programming.

But what specific sort of activity are you looking to accomplish with python? Web dev? Science? Whatever the fuck you want?

This is a very cool video, especially if you understand the sorting algorithms

The algorithm design manual is one of my staple books.

I watched that video a dozen times today I think

Yea I saw that some time ago. It’s really neat and it’s a good piece of art too, you can see how they tweak it so it slows down over time on some algorithms so it sounds good.

How hard is it to get a computer programming/software engineering/developer/etc. job…