Haohmaru, benimaru, mai, ken, nakoruru, dhalsim,
Thanks. This was it.
I don’t know about in terms of ease, but as far as the “history of CvS2 custom combos in the US”, the “steps” went like:
- button mashers (mostly used: Ken)
- forward moving specials with occasional normals inserted if needed (Terry)
- rolling CCs (believe it or not, Ryu and Sagat were some of the first)
- jumping (Athena was the first found)
- DP-interruption (I think Ryu and Iori were the first ones found)
Somewhere along the line, Arcadia published CCs for a bunch of characters and I translated the article, and we basically had all the CCs that we have today. I still remember when me and xerocrew would spend time just looking for combos and making ghetto videos. Looking at some of the combos we were doing back in the early days is embarrassing now!
Going back to the OP, the best team I can suggest to you right now is Vega, Ken, Blanka. With Vega and Blanka, do some hits into a slide, then launch with s.jab. Do jumping hits to the corner (j.forward for Vega, j.fierce for Blanka). These aren’t the most damaging versions, but they’ll do the job. With Blanka, look for electricity in the corner for easy damage.
Activate, low fierce xx Tiger Raid
use chang/Nak/dahlsim the kings of the one button CC
changs foward x infinity
nak’s down+twards fierce x infinity
dahlsims foward slide x infinity
call it team easy cc
Cammy’s cannon spike / cannon dive is really easy to do. Setting it up is another story but the CC itself is simple