Apoc, since when is Guile considered an elite character?? I know he’s good, but…Is he really as simple to win with/dominant as the other top tiers?
I hear it is because Daigo uses him and RCs everything which apperently makes him great…
I use Guile when I play P-Groove to parry throw … air parry throw anywhere Guile is he can parry and do a good heave.
Guile is dope:) Only in the A3 is he shitty. On every game he can hang. On the cvs2 series he’s been a powerhouse the whole time.
Regarding that low strong that was discussed a couple posts ago:
I checked on that Wong match and I was using strong as a counter but I wasn’t making true use of it. I don’t know why, but I wasn’t cancelling into the rush when I countered. So, I was using it right but it’s kinda pointless without a cancel since it does half of a whole strong’s worth of damage if you don’t cancel. I couldn’t tell you why “I” didn’t do that since it was so long ago. Probably the same reason I couldn’t RC that morning. Needless to say, the first hit of the strong should be cancelled into the rush, when using it as a counter, EVERYTIME! There is no good reason not to. Again, “I’m” just an idiot. A good Eagle will cancel every single time. But I don’t claim to be Mr. skillful, heheh.
Apoc, I know this is an Eagle thread, but could you maybe please elaborate? I mean to me in this game Guile just isn’t quite up to par to his ST or HF levels. He seems slower, so running after booms just doesn’t seem to be as effective anymore. Plus, people can just roll out of it. Without RCs/ in a groove without RCs, his Flash Kick doesn’t seem to be the stop-all move it used to be. He just doesn’t seem to be able to get away with the same stuff as he used to. Not saying he’s horrible or anything, but certainly doesn’t seem to be a dominating character.
I play eagle a bit on a groove.
He can chip good, and his down+hard kick had long reach. But has a blind spot. Its great for poking from far away. once you know its range.
And if it hits you can cross up since it knocks them down