Dudley Q&A: Let's learn... like Gentlemen!

Scrub question: What do I do against jabs? No, seriously, I have to resort to blocking on opponents wake-ups, cause they wake up spamming crouching jabs and I always wind up getting jab-AIDS and dying. The next time I face a down/back holding, jab-spamming 7000 bp Balrog online is when I go batshit insane and rape my cat - srzly

meaty anything. neutral jump business elbow.

what are some good frame traps for dudley?

What’s timing for ducking upper/straight in the corner after a ex mgb

It is tight in the corner, but you’re better off doing c.hk anyway, into c.hk ultra, or a third c.hk if you’re very lucky/flash…

Ducking straight into lp MGB is better both damage wise and stun wise unless you’re setting up for ultra. Even then, unless you have the 1 frame cr. RH link down, ducking straight > Ultra is gonna net you the most damage.

Fair enough, but the timing to connect 1 c.hk is much easier than the ducking upper/straight, which seemed to be what he was concerned about…

Timing is always difficult when you’re learning a new combo. If he’s going to play Dudley and actually be able to reach his full potential he’s going to need to learn the ducking straight link. It was hard for me at first too, but now I get it just about every time.

So it’s a link

No, it’s not a link, it’s a juggle with quite specific timing. I agree it’s alwasys best to learn the best option, even if it’s not the easiest.

Edit- the problem on this board is that we have three quite distinct groups using the same space for sharing information- total beginners, intermediate players who have a few links down and know
generally how to play the game, and advanced and tourmnament players who are discussing option selects etc.

This all makes sharing tips and ideas about matchups a bit random. Marn might ask how to tackle Dhalsim (as an example) and a guy who’s played 2 games against Dhalsim online might respond. Someone who just wants a couple of tricks to beat their mates gets advice for how to match up against Mago…

This is a very valid point, but that’s the great thing about the community, you get new and old players around.

I made my guide to have one place where all of the useful information could go, but it’s far from complete and it will always be in need of updating as things change all the time, especially matchups.

IMO, the people on the Dudley boards that you should definitely pay attention to are:

  • Marn
  • Kal El
  • Yellow S4
  • Mr. Quotes
  • Aneuryism X (if he even plays, lol)
  • Myself
  • HAV
  • Sharin

These guys are all experienced tournament players / old men (delete where appropriate lol) so I’d pay attention to what they have to say. Of course, that doesn’t mean you should disregard anything anyone else posts, but if you’re getting conflicting advice, these guys might be able to point you in the way. I’m sure I’ve forgotten a ton of people from this list too, so apologies to those I missed.

With regards to the Duck Straight -> Jet Uppercut ender after an EX MGB in the corner, I personally reccomend using this. It’s a LOT easier to do than Sweep x 2, it looks classy and it does really good damage and stun. The timing is simple, as soon as the EX MGB ends, do an LK Duck Straight (double tap the LK if it helps). It works on everyone apart from Ibuki, so watch out for that.

Of course if you have the Ultra, then just do one sweep (or even Duck Straight) into Ultra, as it’s more damage. Personally, after hitting training mode hard, I can get 2 sweeps consistently on quite a few characters now, Balrog and Chun especially, so for extra class I use 2 sweeps against them (although vs. Chun I use Rolling Thunder at the moment).

Throughout The Golden Gunman’s Dudley guide, he refers to some moves as ‘clutch moves’; can anyone explain to me what that means?

Moves that you do in though situations, that could net you a comeback, or moves that make you stay in the match a little longer.Kinda like the UmeShoryu.

Use of crouching HK?

It seems to me that Dudley’s crouching HK has little use. For punishment options, s.HK -> MGB or whatever seems to be a better option. The only time I’ve seen c.HK used at all is in corner juggle after ex MGB into ultra. Are there any other uses for c.HK?

Well, if you catch some one with a sweep in footsies you can tag on a ducking upper for some pretty decent damage.

The sweep is very useful in some matchups, it evades high attacks. Also if you can predict a shoto low forward you will get a ch.

For example you can evade codys forward Hk or sagat TK´s with sweep

Ah cool, thanks. I’ve never really seen c.HK used effectively in any match videos. I’ve tried using it as a poke but the recovery is too long and usually ends in getting punished.

noob question… What do you guys use to plink s.HK from c.LP? I’ve been trying c.lp->HK~MK, and it sometimes works but i need a lot more practice. Just wondering if im practicing the right technique.

I found out recently that Dudleys target combo 1 does 7 chip damage. Can anyone explain why a normal is doing chip?

c.lp linked to s.rh is easy enough without plinking.

That’s just me trying to sound cool, lol. Guess I’m no longer “down with the kids” :(.

The “Clutch” moves I mention are moves that are very important to Dudley. For example for poking / spacing, his most important moves are Stand HK and cr.MP. That’s not to say other moves aren’t important, but these ones are especially important.

When up close, Kidney Blow is huge to Dudley because it moves him back in and puts the opponent in a lot of blockstun, allowing you to keep the pressure on and start your mixup. I also mention target combo 6, and that is important because it’s good, safe, low pressure.

What can I do after landing Dart Shot > s.mk?