Dudley Q&A: Let's learn... like Gentlemen!

I was just suggesting people should use them more :smiley: .One mk xx hk xx hp target combo, and you got yourself an EX DP to get out,or EX MGB for combos and pushback to corner, or you are that much closer to the super , however you wanna take it :smiley: .

Yeah, Iā€™m just yanking your chain.

Thereā€™s also the much underused jab xx strong. Not as much meter but one of the best.

I wouldnā€™t call EX DP a get out though :wink:

To punish, I use Kidney Blow, cr.Lp x2, Stand HK xx HP Jet Uppercut. Builds an entire EX stock in one combo and does not require a jump-in.

Against some characters, only one hit of the Jet Uppercut hits, so against those I just do the regular Kidney Blow, Stand HK xx Jet Uppercut combo.

Difference between Dudleyā€™s Super buttons?

I canā€™t find any difference at all, lol. Same startup and they all have the same range.

Fun Fact: f.HP xx Super will whiff on T. Hawk if the f.HP connects too close.

Heya guys,

Longtime lurker, but I guess Iā€™m trying to ā€œstep upā€ my game as it were. I just picked up SSFIV last week (last SF I played was 3S, so this was a bit of an adjustment for me). Iā€™m doing pretty badly, though most of that is because I have no idea what the new characters are capable of/getting a handle of Focus Attacks/not having parry.

Iā€™m doing fine on execution of combos (only real problems Iā€™m having with execution is that Iā€™m having a hard time linking c.LP to s.HK for those combos, which really hurts my knockdown game), but Iā€™m a primarily concerned that Iā€™m playing Dudley ā€œwrongā€, in the sense that I play extremely defensively, mostly playing footsies while trying to bait/punish mistakes. Probably about 60% of my damage in any round is from poking/stuffing things with s.HP and c.MP.

This doesnā€™t work too well since I tend to lose to anyone that has longer limbs than Dudleyā€¦ so I figure Iā€™m doing something fundamentally wrong. Does anyone else play like this, or does Dudley have to be on the offensive all the time to do well? Am I just an idiot for trying to play a zoning game with a character without very good footsies?


i think its way easier to to plink the the HK from lp. even though you dont need to, i am able to get the lp or cr.lp to hk more consistantly.

my issue now is when i input the command for ex mgb, i get a ducking. i am using lp and mp for the EX (because i can just slide my middle finger from mk to mp). am i doing the hcf motion too soon?

General stuff
Yeah, about footsies, i usually avoid that, unsless iā€™m playing zangief,against which i use st.fierce for aa, poke, and alot more.Itā€™s basically a big wall of ā€œrejected!ā€ against zangief. But usually, if not against some character specific matchup were i have to use footsies and poke, itā€™s like this, i either get in, get a throw/overhead, or even meaty forward fierce (Which you can combo off!) and win, or I either donā€™t get in at all,or i get in once, but my opponent jumps away or something, and lose.Iā€™ve had so many dhalsims perfect me, and the the next round, i get ONE throw, and win dominatley.Then they perfect me againā€¦

Yeah, so basically you want to learn your mixups very well, you are a pressure machine.Use that, or lose.You have to learn A LOT of things with dudley.I mean quite a lot, as compared to the rest of the cast.You have to know :
*character specific safe jump(because ibuki, guy, blanka, to name a few have different get up timing, even sagat has), you have to learn :
*character specific option selects ( because some characters with fast backdashes could block them, but iā€™m saying character specific mainly because of teleport punishes)
*character specific juggles (there are LOT of these, really, a LOT.Against Adon, jack shit works, while against Guy every juggle is cake, for example)
*some character specific links (on which characters st.jab hits, and on which ones it wiffs, under what circumstances and what block/hit strings.On juri, for example, overhead ~ cr.jab xx cr.jab ~ st.hk doesnā€™t work.Also, you can combo st.jab or st.mp after st.mp on Gief an Hawk, they lean forward too much, getting below thier hitboxes).

Bealing with jump-awayers(they can be quite annoying)
And then, you gotta ā€œfeelā€ the mixups.So like, if your opponent is the jumping out of pressure type, which really annoyed me at first ( this is especially against ibukis, they jump out A LOT!!) you have to apply this like st.mk or st.hp, which will hit them if they try jumping out of your pressure (st.mk sure will, but st.hp does mosnter damage).Belive me, they wonā€™t jump anymore after taking 3 st.hpā€™s (for 390 damage).
If they tend to backdash, rolling thunder, sweep, or even cr.mk( agaisnt some characters, again character specific).Use them as option selects after safe jump.
Learn the timing on the safe jump.It is forward throw, mk duck, jump HK/HP.This will help the hawk match, sagat, and cammy ones A LOT (maybe also others, but i donā€™t have enough matchup experience to talk about all the cast yet).It is very good.
Against shoto cr.mk, iā€™ve used f.mp with some succes.
Cr.lk can beat shoto sweep/cr.mk. I press cr.lk alot in this matchup if iā€™m just outside their range.
So basically your main goal is to get it, pressure, win.Donā€™t try to play the keepaway game too much.It doesnā€™t get you a lot.Footsies, not that strong also.
Very important, you have to read every opponent of yours, and what is his way of dealing with pressure.Bait/safe jump if he reversals,throw if he has a weakness against it and doesnā€™t tech all the throw, short swing blow if he does. St.mk or st.hp if they jump out, option select if they backdash.

Getting pressured (not too good)
If you are getting pressured, itā€™s tough.Ex dp doesnā€™t not cut it.It goes the other way almost every time if you are getting crossed up if you reversal with it.You have to actually time it.EX short swing blow and Cross counter can help you a lot against crossups, non meaty ones.If they are meaty, block,backdash, and see if the opponent uses option selects.If he does, stop doing it.If they are going for stuff like cr.lk or cr.jab after a jumpin, they could be trying to get a throw.crouching tech, or if you feel like if, EX short swing blow.I see that Short swing blow doesnā€™t get much love, because it generally isnā€™t that good (waaay worse than thrid strike, thatā€™s for sure) but it does have itā€™s uses.It auto corrects nicely under a non-meaty crossup( the EX version at least).
You can also use Thunderbolt once in a blue moon for itā€™s 9 frames of invicibility, of course, if you have metter to fadc it.(even if it hits or not, itā€™s pretty shit, it sometimes doesnā€™t knock them down even if it hits), if you are getting annoyed by pressure,if you have 0 life and the opponent will try and chip you after a jumpin, but donā€™t use this often.Itā€™s very bad.I donā€™t use it at all, except for the situation above.0 life, to get out of pressure, and fadc it.
Try to think how your opponent tries to get out of your pressure.
You have to block, and crouching tech.If you find a leak in their pressure, try to get that throw.If you do, win the round, lol.
Use dudleyā€™s focus.Itā€™s very good.But donā€™t abuse it.Youā€™ll get biated alot for it.Try to use it throught hit strings not containing of jabs, because it could net you a counter hit, and a crumple, even if itā€™s level 1.Focus crumple->mixups->win
Speaking of crossups and focus attacks, you could also try to reversal Focus dash on wakeup.You could also use the focus attack even as a poke, somethimes.Itā€™s bassically the better f.mp regarding that aspect.

Other final tips
Donā€™t sweep after like 2 cr.jabs.Use it only if you are in a mid range game, but beware if they like jumpin, but they shouldnā€™t.You should make them not jump ever, with the help of st.mk.Mixed feeling about the sweep.Looking by itā€™s animation frame by frame, it looks like it should have hit 3 frames earlier, with would have made it better.Itā€™s not very good at midrange, but itā€™s kinda the only place where you can use it.Huge recovery.Be smart about using it.I am mostly doing it by mistake, while trying to duck or short swing blow, or when i link into HK xx MBG ( or ex version).
Forget about dp.You donā€™t have one(for AA functions at least, itā€™s good on combos though, hk xx hp dp for punisher does 260 damage), except for ex( which is also not good).
Cr.hp is also good as an AA, in the sitautionwhere st.mk isnā€™t.Mainly where itā€™s kinda late, because when he does st.mk dudley stand up=big hitbox, while doing cr.hp->cr.hitbox=lower hitboxā€¦Against bigger characters, i also use cr.hp as a hitbonfirm if i have super.Cr.hp ~ super is pretty easy, or cr.hp ~ cr.lp xx mp dp xx super on most of the cast (didnā€™t test it on all chars, but did test it on ryu, and it worked, so i assume it wors on anyone) (also, VERY important to use MP DP.It has more range then HP dp, so more chances of hitting)

Thatā€™s kinda all iā€™ve got right now.I hope it helps.Sorry for the big wall of text, but if it helps a little bit even one person, then iā€™m happy.

so, most of that is ok advice.

EX DP does auto-correct, you just have to do it late.
cr.hk is not a good mid-range poke.
forget that Dudley has thunderbolt, just forget it.
Cross Counter has 3 startup frames, so it wonā€™t work on meaty crossups.

other than that, you should organize that post better. Itā€™s quite intimidating.

Sorry for nagging on about his kara-throw but I just canā€™t pull this 1 off. Basically what I understand from your post is: "Press towards + HP. Then start mashing LP+LK after a bit of a delay. Well as soon as I press towards + HP Dudley starts the Forward Fierce and not even a meteor could stop him from continuing that move till the very last frame.

How do I cancel that into a kara-throw? Im confused! :wink:

Well you shouldnā€™t be mashing for starters, there is no need. You just need to drum your fingers, so that as soon as you have pressed Towards + HP, you press LP + LK. I use my third finger to press HP and then use my thumb and first finger to press LP + LK.

Is anyone else having issues pulling up "Golden Gunmanā€™s Dudley Guide Great All-Purpose Guide
Golden Gunmanā€™s Advanced Dudley Guide Builds on First Guide "

Iā€™m getting internal server errors every time I try to look at the dudley guides!

Edit: Seriously, I only clicked once : /

Yes, GGM said it was because his server traffic was 600% (!?!- the wonders of SRK!) over the limit. So heā€™s going to try to put it up again next month. Iā€™m missing it too!

On another note, I just thought Iā€™d share a little execution tip for Dudley newbies (like myself). I have been failing to do the s.HK ExMGB cancel consistently, until I started using lp and mp for the EX rather than mp and hpā€¦ I think itā€™s because the extra split second it takes to switch fingers means I donā€™t press the input too early. Playing Dudley has been great for my game. Itā€™s tightening up my execution and Iā€™m trying so damn hard to stop mashing. I really was a Ryu scrubā€¦

Yes apologies guys, Iā€™m trying to find a workaround for the site. But it won;t be up until next month.

Well I buffer the 41236 while doing s. HK. and press MK+HK if it connects. If it whiffs it does nothing, but if it connects/gets blocked you will eat something fierce.

Sorry, I wasnā€™t recommending just throwing s.hk exMGB out there- I always confirm it with jabs or a jumpin unless itā€™s a guaranteed punish. Iā€™m far too old to hit-confirm off s.hk, unfortunatelyā€¦

Hk is -3 on block anyway, so not exactly a great poke, if thatā€™s what you were implying?

After an EX MGB, which Duck is recommended?

LK Duck. Lately though, Iā€™ve been using cr. HK after an EX MGB because itā€™s possible to miss the follow-up punch. With cr. HK, you put your opponent in the perfect position for Ultra 2.

Lk duck upper doesnā€™t work on adon after EX MGB midscreen.Heā€™s an ass.