Sequel to Super Dragon Ball Z?!! HELL YES!!! Maybe this could be one of the good ones. Like Hyper Dimension, Budokai 3, and Super. Please don’t let this suck!!!
Go play Hyper Dimension before I hurt you :o
Do you guys think Hyper Dimension is good? I’ve heard some praise for the game but when I tried to play it … well, it wasn’t too fun IMO… maybe it just has not aged well.
Hopefully the roster will be more diverse…I’m looking forward to the game.
I think Super Dragon Ball Z was the best one, then Hyper Dimension.
Hmn this game’s got a lot of meter
More meters = MORE POWAH!!! Looks good.
I think its a new Budokai.The whole flying kicks and stuff looks a little like goku’s rush,but whether it’s SDBZ2 or another Tenkaichi i’m picking this up.
Super Dbz was the only one I ever got into.
also keeping fingers crossed for goku and vegeta to be in the game
Krillin and Yamcha better be tops in this game.
so we can put links to scans from another game but when it was sf 4 it was a big deal… what gives??
on a side note the game looks hot
I’ll still be playing budokai 3…
I like T2 better than T3.
i don’t find it the least bit ironic that you would play a character who has never won a tournament match when you’ve probably never won one yourself
SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!:annoy::mad::mad:
Krillin and yamcha are fuckin’ dope and you know it. Piccolo is dope too. Sorry for not riding Goku’s nuts.:arazz:
I want Recoome! to play like he does in B3, but maybe a bit better
Hard to say for sure what the game may be able to play like. But, as Worthless pointed out, it looks like another Budokai series.
In general, Super DBZ can only said to be the best one seeing as how it played more like a Street Fighter game. But due to its learning curve it didn’t get too much people into the game, it was a sleepy hit for fanboys but a great game to those who actually took it seriously for a small period of time.