Super DBZ the arcade game? Hm. That game was simple. No worries. Just get some practice.
Right when u hit R2 and triangle then at that moment u press up and circle
so i havent been keepin up with this lately but i am plannin on gettin a 360 soon so just to make sure does this have online play?
yes for both 360 and PS3
Yeah, I actually really liked that game. 17 had some really badass juggles > special > super cancel, but I guess all the characters kind of did.
The guy that made the video said to input a special command, cancel with guard, and then input the super kamehameha. I haven’t tried it yet, though.
the trailer / intro seemed amazing. i didnt like in the gameplay how the lifebars take up so much room, im trying to imagine how awesome itd be eye-candily if there wasnt such big lifebars
Good shit@ keeping cancel combos.
I love how they gave combos more animations.
After playing the demo it seems like you can charge up alot of different attacks for guard breaks.
You know I have ALOT of respect for Dimps. After each Budokai game they listened to the fans and gave them what they wanted.
The only thing they didn’t do was implement low attacks, but they put in alot of stuff to make up for it, like guard breaks, regular attacks do chip damage, transformations guard break, and throws. Some characters can even combo off of there throws.
I truly love them as a company because they value their consumers and listen to what they have to say. The Budokai series has evolved so much in terms of gameplay, graphics, the options at your disposal, everything.
Hats off to Dimps. That’s how you make a fighting game series. By listening to the people playing them.
oh my god that shits hard as hell to do i think it’s like a just frame
Just played the demo was pretty decent.
Was it my HD settings or does the game just have a lot of blur?
Ah man I tried this shit out today, man. Shit is too good. Also I agree, they really are trying to make it a quality fightre, and not just fan service like the other crappy dbz games. I also learned from the interviews that they tried to make the budokai series competitive anyhow. Although I didn’t like B3, i think they really step there game up.
Honestly. I like this game, and I’ve only played the demo. Indeed @ hats off to Dimps quote.
Who are you maining Mr. Psychic Force man?
The only thing keeping this game from being truly competitive is balance. Some characters are just over powered and i see everyone online using the same characters over and over.
To a certain extent I agree with you. But it seems like the way the power-up system is now being automatic I see all characters being contenders.
It has blur when you sidestep, I know that. Besides that, there shouldn’t be any. Maybe when you transport.
I’m going to be using Goku, Bardock (YES), and 17. Next game I’ll be adding Goten, Gohan and Gotenks to that. Maybe Videl if they don’t mess her up.
Now, to go try that cancel trick…
EDIT: Wow, I got it on my first try. It’s actually pretty easy…
after playing 5 minutes of this i can tell button mashers are going to have a lot of fun and competitive matches between highly skilled players are going to look amazing.
That was a damn good demo, I ended up making Raditz look like a bad Baltimore rowhouse after the last time I fought him and got Z rank.
So what makes this game decent as opposed to the other games which just look cool.
What are the mechanics of the game??
As long as Super Saiya-jins don’t have like a significantly larger damage output like in other DBZ games. I actually, don’t know how they plan to handle this, since I haven’t read too much about this game.
In the Budokai games, Super Saiyan increased power by 10% for each transformation. What made them stronger was when they powered up, for each full bar you get another 2%, and the various capsules. I can see why they took out powering up in that sense.
I guess we’ll see what transformation add when we get the full game.
I have a stupid question. How do you do the power up thing?
The Aura Burst? LB