Dr.b evo 2008 challenge thread

I was going to make a long post but no point… Basically dr free we can play for some real money since im a scrub.

Hey Dr B it’s ruin your #1 fan, I’ll MM you in GGAC any amount I’ll give u 2 to 1 also on your money. And in MvC2 I’ll give u 5 to 1 in your money.

Let me know how much u wanna play for

Yo whats good Brandon? Doing great I C

Looks like I’ll be contributing to the pay for Dr.Bs evo plan ticket fund.

Sounds good!

yEZZZZur !!! See u there …NW is coming strong this year.

Sounds good to me…make sure you bring plenty of change to break your “100’s” #1 Fan of mine.

  -D R B


I look forward to playing, so how much u wanna run it for? in AC/MvC2

AC i will play casual/grudge. I dont play that version all that much and wont bet on it.
MvC2 we can go $5 a match. and IM SURE u DONT WANT NONE in CvS2…LOL I can bet you wont on that.

 -D R B


hmmm u know what I suck at cvs2, but I figure u can’t be all that much better. I’ll play 2/3 for 20

Hahaha wow that powder you keep in your nasal must be real good and hey you are right…YOU DO SUCK…we will start with CvS2 1st. 2/3 20


If you lose, u have to burn those fake captain america bapes deal? I’ll be wearing my real ones.

Wow you are really my #1 fan…My wardrobe shits on yours…be real dude…dont hate…lets just compare myspaces…HAHAHAHA. For one start with cutting off that fuckin Corey Matthews “Boy Meets World” dried up Jheri Curl you like to rock so much. And you sure didnt have much to say when my icecreams shitted on you at Evo last year…it’s ok…lose some weight…get some pussy…and grow up kid. Its hard to talk to Willow when stand tall like Garnett. LOL

 -D R B


nah not at all true. Your wardrobe has fake shit and u can’t take it that u got called out. =) but what can I say I jock your style you’re hard son. Anyways I look forward to playing u =). Since u don’t play GGAC do u play slash or Reload? Would u be willing to MM in those?

Awwww do we have a guilty mind ? Dont be mad at me because you rock fake bapes and run around Vegas with NO HOES…LOL…just play me in MvC2 and CvS2 and be glad Im even responding to you period…so clean up…maybe take a shower…get a hair cut and Cup of Swag…and get yourself together…you are looking and sounding terrible these days.Btw I have graduated from the brands you hold so dear…that shit is old…and while u idolize the guys who make the shit I do events with them. I HAVE MY OWN CLOTHING BRAND ! step your game up chubbs.

  -D R B


o.o u got banned for having fakes posted along with your photo shopped pictures of you and pharrell. But obvious facts mean nothing to you. :stuck_out_tongue: Thank you for responding to me, it means a lot to me. So I take that no to gg? Just mvc2/cvs2? Seeya at evo :]

You are right about ONE thing…You will SEE ME at Evo…I wont see you.

  -D R B

yup, you ain’t seeing me :). Hugs!

Nah dont try and hug me faggot…I wont see you up here in the clouds…Hobbits are getting smaller these days and your arms are too small to box with GOD.U might been seen if my sucka detector is on but its low on battery…Later Buttah Face.

hahahahahahhahahahahahahhahah. Friends?

I get to Vegas on Thurs the 6th…anyone holla back who wants to get some matches warmed up for Evo…between the drinking and bitches of course.

 -D R B


god you’re a :clown:

do you even know what a jheri curl is?

why is dr. b getting so mad? someone pulls his card and he starts to cry then gets mad defensive. sorry but out here in vegas, we rock hos, you rock fellas.

oh and show me that youtube of you performing in an empty auditorium again plz thx.

god he’s gonna shit on you so hard b. all i have to say is thanks for the free money dr. charity. put your bankroll up, dr. fapes.