Are you working on this by yourself?
If so, that’s amazing. Good job.
Are you working on this by yourself?
If so, that’s amazing. Good job.
Finally got around to playing this and ive noticed a few things.
Maybe its just me but when i turn off motion blur the game speeds up slightly. Also the hurtboxes move with the character.
Thanks, yeah it’s just me and my buddy doing basic art.
If your framerate is lower than 60, then turning that off might be speeding it up.
Yeah currently the hurt boxes do move with the character, it’s an easy change if I want them to be completely static.
They should be.
Alright I’m gonna have a bunch of new shit in the next build stay tuned
New build is up:
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Meaty cross up LK Tatsu>cl.HK>MP Drill>cr.LP>HP DP midscreen. ~~~
Also, when I jumpcancel a powercancel from a fireball, I immediately do a j.MK from it, I think due to no hitstop?
edit: cl.HK>MK Tatsu>MP DP>HP DP
cl.HK>HK Tatsu>[Jump back in corner/Dash back midscreen] seems to set up almost perfect meaty fireball you can combo after if it connects after dashing forward from the LP FB.
I think you can infinite [hop j.MK>j.HK>land] but it’s a really tight timing to connect them correctly. Got 3 reps before dropping it.
Oh, hey, [hop j.MK>LK Tatsu] forever.
New build up
PC Download
Made hop infinites easier with that air attack change lol.
Was able to do a really properly spaced f.HK>LP FB>cr.MK, but doesn’t seem like there is much to get from it (without using a power cancel at least.)
OP this looks great. My PC is getting a bit senile, but I’ll download it and have a go later tonight. I like to play games before I start giving opinions.
Toying with it now. How long have you been working on this? I like the SNK style hop jumps, but I’m only playing against the dummy, so i cant really test its utility. The anti air HK fireball is pretty dramatic too lol.
Also, like you mentioned, certain sticks wont work. My crusty V3 reverses jump and crouch when I try to configure the vertical axis. However, i noticed that my Hori pad works fine.
Anyway, look forward to any more news/updates. If there’s something you want me to try out in particular, let me know.
Edit - Additionally, are some of the normals missing? Close HK registers a double hit and makes the opponent air born and in a juggle state (btw cool how you can combo DP after it), but i cant see the animations for the actual move.
About 10 months now, mostly full time.
Yeah I really need to flesh out my inputting mapping stuff. Unity doesn’t have the most ideal functionality for controller mapping so I’ve been putting it off for a while.
Awesome man I appreciate it. Even though there’s not much game to it yet, it really motivates me when people try it out.
Just since starting this thread I feel like it’s already improved the game play dramatically with the feedback I’ve gotten.
Some of the moves just don’t have animations for them but I still wanted placeholders there, so you’re just seeing the idle animation with collision boxes thrown on top.
This character isn’t going to get a whole lot more work. I’ll be working with a new model/animation rig pretty soon so I’ll start messing around with a new one.
First of all, props for getting this off the ground. Must be pretty hard work doing it all (?) yourself.
Although I haven’t played the game (downloaded but my venerable PC just doesn’t have the specs to run the game), I wonder if you’ve had a look at some of the Japanese doujin fighters out there made by small teams or individuals (E’s Laf, Akatsuki Blitzkampf etc). Some of the ideas, character designs, play mechanics, use of space and so on are really out there and might provide some inspiration.
I’m not saying “make it air-dash”, what I am saying is that there are a range of innovations being taken by individuals and smaller developers who are able to take more risks than big studios… Mind you while not always wholly successful in execution really are in my opinsion at least worth a look.
Nah it’s more fun, more control.
No I haven’t, but I’ll check them out.
Right on. All games have redeeming qualities that you can learn from for sure.
Yo Akatsuki Blitzkampf is awesome, I really like how it plays.
Yeah, me too, there’s an elegant simplicity in the parry/counter system and the differences between characters is huge.
Making a fighting game by yourself with complete developer control is nice, but it will get more daunting when you have to juggle more art assets, bugfixing, design, and code as the project gets more complex. I’m doing it myself I love having the control but I’m starting to recognize some of my weaknesses may be holding the game back.
That said, you’ve got a pretty nice foundation here. Nailing the combat mechanics is only one part, you will still need to do UI, bots, more characters, and possibly netplay if you want to make the game more appealing.
Yep I’m definitely aware of what needs to be done, this isn’t my first rodeo
I started converting my animation system from Unity’s Legacy system to Mecanim system so it might be a while before I post a new build. However, once I do, it will be greatly improved over the current stuff.
Things I get out of switching to mecanim:
Also picked up a dynamic bone asset from the asset store, allows for giving a bit of physics flair to characters. (Clothing, hair, boobs, rufus fat jiggle, wild whacky imflatable tube man, etc)