DotA 2

What’s up. I’ve been playing for the past week since a friend was kind of enough to get me a key. I hate life already and want to kill everyone.

with that said who wants to play? cause if i solo queue one more fucking time only so people can leave asap or pick natures prophet and troll their own team.Im going to make james holmes look like a hero.

Too soon? Don’t worry too much match making. I sure it’s set to keep you at an approximate 50% win ratio. I’m on a nice win streak right now but I’m pretty sure that losing streak is going to rear it’s head real soon.
I’m down to play some games =]

Been playing Chaos Knight a bit…


The cup is, again, filled with your tears.

Alternate version here

So I’ve been wanting to get into this game but I can’t get a key for the life of me. Can anyone help me out??

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If I had to guess, I would say it’s going out of Beta after the International 2. So just wait until the end of the month.

Is there an srk channel or anything?

idk of one.

I’m seriously debating buying the beta access… is it worth it srk? Let me know!!

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absolutely. its a great game.

Don’t, game is probably going full F2P sometime shortly after international (which is currently going on)

Try to see if you can get someone to trade you/sell you a beta key instead since you can get them cheaper

If you’re keen, I’d be willing to share mine with you. I don’t use it often at all since I’m still hopelessly addicted to HoN.

nope, game isn’t close to finished lol. They still need to implement more heroes. About 10 - 20 left to implement.

I think they stated somewhere that the game would be released before all heroes are implemented.

for $30?..thats pushing it for me.

Dota2 International begins:nunchuck:

Been watching - definitely good stuff. Finally got Bootcamp installed on my Mac, about to hop on and get reacquainted.

Would love to do some casuals at some point w/ you guys.

yeah i love all these dota2 features, like being able to spec while searching for a game, etc…

the in game browser could use some work though

edit: can someone explain how commendations work? also, is there anyway I can see my avg last hits/denies overall?

Any suggestions on what hero to focus on learning first? Right now I’m messing w/ Anti-Mage since he’s pretty much the Demon Hunter who I was pretty good w/ in War3.

I would say for your first 1k games or so. If you are brand new to dota. Random your hero. You will learn more about the game and different heroes and get more experience and learn the game faster that way.

Check out purge gamers on YouTube, he does first person commentary with each hero and explains what you should be doing when playing them.

But right now, you want to random as much as possible. And just don’t get discouraged if you don’t do amazingly, your learning right now, soldier on and you will find heroes you love and have a blast playing/learning the game.