Except PL is an actual hero and Techies is just trash.
Still waiting for Lanaya~
Except PL is an actual hero and Techies is just trash.
Still waiting for Lanaya~
I enjoy techies, the only problem is that 1-100 (probably more) people can actually play him correctly and not just be a waste of a pick.
I think it’s Doom.
Doom with 1000 aoe ranged atk.
A well played techies is very strong. Anybody who says techies is trash is very inexperienced. All techies needs is Aghanims. Aghanims allows techies to be the top tier of pusher and defenders and gems don’t mean shit anymore. Infact it would be great if the opponent gets gems because he will waste a slot.
Boots, Soul ring, Aghanims, Force Staff and Ginso is all techies needs.
Thanks Hawk… you are a Saint! I will try this out after work.
Urge to suicide for kills instead of using it to deny kills for enemy team too strong.
Good techies are completely different from troll techies
Good techies can be useful with a ton of map and lane control; troll techies stack mines on rune and giggle maniacally without actually doing anything useful (kind of how I played Engineer in HoN)
I was to play a troll techies years ago. Push stick opponents into my remotes or land mines/suicide (troll face)
Max stasis trap is way too op. I set up escape routes for my team, helped a low hp bounty hunter win a 1v5 because of my traps. Kited the team into like 4 traps of a 7(?) second stun.
I was so proud of my traps that game.
Definitely! All that Techies needs is Aghas! Good thing this is only 4k Gold farm (funnily enough you later even state ‘all he needs’ is Aghas-ForceStaff-Guinsoo-SoulRing; 13k gold which would instantly win the game if placed on someone useful) on a guy that can’t carry for shit and has less lane control than Spectre.
The only way Techies is halfway playable at all is giving map control with mines and instantly suiciding on some enemy support in every teamfight for a 1:1 trade where the opponents gain less XP/Gold than your team does. If the best way to play a hero is killing yourself every time an opponent is near, this tells a lot about the hero.
He’s been the lowest Tier hero since his introduction (?) and it won’t change until he gets completely revamped (which won’t happen).
Fuck Techies though. zzz
I don’t always pick Techies, but when I do, it’s an all mid game and Pudge is on my team.
If anyone wants to play some games sometime and gives me some pointers, let me know. I’ve played LoL for too long now and forgotten Dota essentials. You can find my Steam ID by adding anti0ptimism@gmail.com
Added! I recommend fucking around with bots for a while. I’ll join up with you whenever you’re playing and try to answer any questions you have.
When we get into real matches, be warned, I try to add a touch of trolling hard to any character I’m using
I’ve fucked around with bots and played around 20 or so real games. I’m out of touch with the general strategy and awareness I need. Probably a lot more things I don’t even realize.
Techies has allot of ways to build fast. Soul Ring then straight off to aghanims is the only mountain, after aghanims is bought then farming and all that isn;t that hard because level 2 Bombs can take out any creep wave. Aghanims is actually the only thing he needs, the rest are just potential boosts but he can go farely well with out those items just as long as he has aghanims. One bomb off aghanims is already deadly and can steal kills well due to it’s range and AOE.
Techies can do more than just place free wards, he can also cause a disturbance for farming enemies. Take off one nuet farm and place a mine on the spot, the neuts will not respawn. This is a strategy that is effective against characters who farms on nuet from early-mid (Lycan, Troll…). Sure, a gem will take it out but the ones who usually carry gems are range heroes but they are usually on the map, ganking and looking around lanes to take out bombs… and in the end it just delays the farm time for Lycan’s, trolls, Morts, etc…
Another thing you can do against them is with the help of furion and barathum, by placing stasis near the nuet area (during early game) because usually, troll’s and lycan’s are with out life steal so you’ll give furion or barath a chance to take em out.
Suicide is old style. That is so before 6.60… why suicide (which has been nerfed lately) if you can just plant one bomb that would do more damage than suicide and is also safe?
In terms of best team mates. Dark Seer is the best because he can speed you up or drag opponents to your mines, next would be Ezalor for mana plus the best early game push combo. I don’t know if tiny is still the best due to the suicide nerf… but it’s still works.
Just played a game right now where 3 of my team mates who happened to be friends jumped on me cuz I told them we should all buy sight wards and dust. T_T So much fail from pubs/people. Getting owned by Riki till I bought a gem and kept supplying wards…I swear people are stupid as fuck.
ggs suicidal grampz
I don’t think it’s worth fretting over anymore. I used to get so worked up about people feeding, not buying wards etc. in LoL, but at the end of the day, the odds are against you at all times so why worry? Play the heroes you like the most in solo queue and go srs mode when playing with a group!
GGs dude, let’s get some games in soon. Was fun
You know, part of the reason why I prefer fighting games over team-based games like shooters or MOBAs is because the stupid randoms you get matched up with sometimes. Of course, I guess if I knew enough competent people to always be running 5 man queues, it’d be different. But I hate it when I lose and its not my fault entirely like it is in FGs. You lose in a fighting game because you fucked up somewhere. You CAN lose in DotA or LoL for the same reason, but not all the time. A lot of the time its because someone else on your team fucked up.
Or at least thats what it feels like.