So should I set up KOF 2002 for dreamcast with MAS sticks? You think people will play it? I have an extra CRT monitor for it so it won’t take out any SSF4 setups. I myself don’t know how to play the game but I collected all the KOF’s on dreamcast. Come to think of it, I also have a neo geo but no KOF’s since each cartridge is like $200. It’s actually cheaper to buy the arcade game then the console version.
Well we shall have our gathering tonight from 7pm-4am. Anyone new please text me at 310 344 9367. Everyone and anyone is invited. The more the merrier. I’ll be going around to collect the E fee so everyone please have it ready when I ask for it.
Thank you everyone for joining me tonight/early morning. It was awesome as always. A lot of fun. We had 16 ppl tonight which was great.
Tekken 6 was modest. It did well in the first half of the session but for the other half it was dead so I changed it to SSF4 since there were a couple of ppl waiting for a game and the setup wasn’t being used.
Having said all that I’ll leave Tekken 6 in and try it for a while.
So everyone have a great weekend and we will do this all over again next Friday:)
It was fun meeting everyone last night. First time actually playing person to person instead of online. Need to definitely improve my game against sakura and chuns. bane of my existence :wgrin:
Wow I’m impressed. So how’d you find everything? What website? You know you’re still halfway through the Konami gauntlet. You gotta play Goonies II after:P
Your Guy is so awesome. I’m stealing it:p Those combos are so pretty. It’s like an Alpha 3 Guy. I didn’t know Guy could still play like that.
I found everything through memory, when I was a kid I read strategy guides all the time but I never played through the game. I completed it earlier today, I only got the good ending, not the best one.
Ugh, Goonies 2, the awesome game where you punch and hammer random walls.
Wasn’t there a tournament at Buffalo Wild Wings at Del Amo also this past weekend? Did anyone go to that? Who would’ve known that Torrance would become a place for SF again. Resurrecting Alladin’s Castle!!