Thanks for your comments and please forgive…
My name is Heta Akira and I am the administrator of a project that promotes the VideoFighting in Dominican Republic.
The videos and the comment as well came from people that are part of this league called HonMaru. Please forgive any comment that may sounded provocative (special Shikamaru).
The first step to learn something is to take the time to Hear or in this case Read. Is we asked for opinions, anyone could assume that we wanted to have our mistakes pointed out. So you did in a very polite way
And we are complaining??
I think that we got from you good advice and if these members are smart and follow it, their game will improve period.
I just wanted to add for your information.
So I think that you guessed well from where all that jumping came.
Anyone knows that in SNK games (specially King of Fighters) jumping with a kick are as common as breathing. The lesson to learn here is that a winning formula in one game does not mean that it will work the same in other games.
People at Shoryuken are always a good source of knowledge for Street Fighter games and that’s exactly what we wanted.
If we are complaining for having the information, then I could be seems as if we posted the videos out of stupid ego and I am sure that it was not the case.
So please keep commenting so we can improve.
Heta Akira
HonMaru: Video Fighting en R.D.