Am I the only one that finds it hilarious that the Dominican nigga loves rocking purple?
Maybe it’s just a NYC thing…
Am I the only one that finds it hilarious that the Dominican nigga loves rocking purple?
Maybe it’s just a NYC thing…
haha, not. Purple is a very used color here xD. Also x3 colors…
Blk blanka that is all.
3p sagat
3k rock
3p cammy
though sometimes i like to rock rh rock
I play A Groove
Vega (3k) Blanka (HP) Bison (MP)
All blue including the blue meter cause it reminds me of blue dolphin ecstasy pills
mp/3k kyo
hp/3k geese
3p/lk dictator
although usually i just use default colors.
Does anyone know of a place that lists everyone’s palettes?
original ryu original rock white sagat
White suit blue beret rolento
Golden Boy Ryu (3p)
3k Sagat
3p Yama
Lk mai
mk / 3k sim
lk / hk rugal
mk / mp geese
lk terry
mp kyo
mk iori
mk ken
mp akuma
hp rolento
that is all