Do you enjoy fighting clones?



who doesnt like to destroy your opponent with his or her character?

and wouldnt it show who is more superior with the character?
there isnt any character advantage or anything so its a perfectly fair match.

YUS! i HAVE to have red/black magneto!

I like it. As long as I win. =D

Mirror matches are odd for me. It really depends on the game. If its a game I know really well then it doesn’t really bother me, but if I just picked up the game, it becomes odd for me because there are things I simply don’t know about the character I’m playing as/against. I don’t like being in situations where I’m automatically at a disadvantage.

Used to it due to Marvel. Red-Black-Magneto Pink-Storm Black-Psylock ftw.

I remember watching a 3S tourney vid once where two different guys were playing as green Chun, and eventually they ended up facing each other, and you could tell they were both rushing to try and get their color. It made the audience laugh. :rofl:

Only annoys me when the other guy picks a similar color. I don’t get mixed up in clone matches unless this occurs. Like in ST, where Ryu has two blue costumes: one with a red headband and one with a white headband.

[media=youtube]20gOf7x-gn0"[/media] was better. Mainly because it involved Ack.

I have played so many Kens in Toronto that I’m pretty good at that matchup, but it’s still enjoyable beating down other ones as long as they’re not using my colour. Plus ~80% of the people here use Ken too so I can’t complain. Urien and Dudley mirrors are retarded though. Fun as hell, but retarded.

Never played another A-Guy, and in Guilty Gear I have no real idea what I’m doing so if I played another Slayer I’d have no chance there, unless they were somehow even worse (very unlikely). So I guess it depends on the game; other than 3S, I expect to lose mirrors so it doesn’t bother me when it happens.

They can use whatever they like, it makes no difference to me.


seriously i dont even want to this guy anymore

Mirror matches are the best…

When it’s 2 Ryus and you both pick


The whole match is 2 Ryus trying to connect the big Shin. It’s good for some laughs.

The truth!

No shit, right? Sentinel ALL day. MSP is the only top tier team that doesn’t have Sentinel.

yes, i hate mirror matches

but Marvel is an exception

Alex mirror match: Awesome. Let’s do this.

Cable mirror match: Fuck this.

If I am just starting an already established game, I’m inclined to pick a good/playable but less used character so that I can 1) avoid mirrors and 2) have an edge over players who aren’t exposed to that character. Back in the day on A2, Julien Beasley ripped up everybody with Sodom… dude rarely had to play the mirror and tricked hella people w/ that bullshit. Overall in 3s there aren’t THAT many Urien players, so if somebody doesn’t play that matchup, I have a small tactical advantage when I can practice against Yun, Chun, and Ken whenever.

If I’m already pretty good, I don’t care who I pick in terms of that, for example ST… if somebody wants to mirror my Honda or Bison, good luck. (Actually Bison seems underused in the US, people don’t like not having a reversal I think)

If I’m established at the game, I enjoy the mirrors because I can truly prove that I am the better player. (Or I can learn from a great player and have the knowledge in the character to know/figure out WHY) If I’m still learning, you can bet I’m not going to want to play against a good Urien.

I feel the same way, it ultimately comes down to the skill and knowledge of the player.

in games where positioning is extremely important the impossibility of establishing a real positional advantage in a mirror match makes them kind of retarded. doesn’t really apply to fireball characters but otherwise.

Mirror matches don’t really prove who’s best with the character, it’s more like who’s best in mirror matches with that character.

Pretty much how I look at it.