Disney might buy Warner Bros. (Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny, Marvel and DC, together?)

Why did I click on this thread? Close. There’s already a thread regarding this anyway

Mmmmh… Remember they had a reboot in 2011 or so. I’m not sure if the new Superman can breath on space/needs to breath.

I read the Man of Steel (the movie) version is able to breath in space and underwater, indeed.

New 52 supes can breath in space…in fact he was able to fly from Saturn to earth in the time it took to have a conversation. It might have been Saturn or jupitar but regardless he was able to breath in space.

OK, great. Picture’s still wrong since it depicts the “classic” version of the character :stuck_out_tongue:

Whatever, I doubt a MarvelxDC universe merge would ever happen no matter if Disney manages to take over WB. But the only thing I could care about a Marvel+DC fusion would be a Marvel vs DC video game. That’s the best way the idea could work…

The only era of supes that couldn’t breath in space was a few years after the post-PC era. I’m not sure how long that disempowerment happened but by the end of the pre-52 era supes could already breath in space. He was arguably almost as broken as his PC self by the time the new 52 happened.

Man of Steel Superman can breath in Space

The last time I saw otherwise was in the TV series The New Adventures of Superman, where he could only hold his breathe for 17 minutes.


Quail-man can kill superman

There’s already an existing thread on this


OK, you can close the thread, mod :slight_smile: