Dhalsim General Discussion

yes but HP yoga flame is a good choice after hard knock down if you do it from max range you can even beat HP shoryuken of ryu, and it has like forever active :smiley:

Hi guys, Iā€™m a new Street Fighter player. Iā€™ve watched some beginners videos and finished some characters challenges, so I have some basis: Iā€™ve decided to main Dhalsim, because even if people say itā€™s a difficult character I like the fact that I donā€™t need to learn combos with him. Now, people say beginners should spend most of their time in training mode, but even if Iā€™ve watched a lot of videos covering basics I still donā€™t know what and how should I train in training mode, apart from combos. Should i register jump-ins and practice anti-airs, for example? Apart from that, I have no ideas. Another question: is it a good idea for a beginner to just practice online to learn mechanics or, again, should I stick with training mode? Thank you, sorry for my English

If youā€™re playing online you should focus on Anti-Airs. People just love to jump.

God knows, Iā€™m having trouble too. Anyone?

Hard Punch the fireballs, anti air with b.MP mostly (on the b.HK AA range his jumpins tend to win, specially that ridiculous knee-jump).
And lots of block.

Itā€™s like a harder Guile, but itā€™s not a bad matchup

you have to play dj just like guileā€¦
ā€“ cr. strong the dread kicks if they are spamming the light version.
ā€“ cannot tower ex dread kickā€¦ just block it, its minus 8 or something
ā€“ after hard knockdownā€¦ safe jump insta air tele works with B RH (most reliable)
ā€“ if they throw plasma after youā€¦ st fierce after the plasma trades
ā€“ turtle your ass off!
ā€“ anti airsā€¦ rely on ex flame as jump down lk changes jump arc and stuffs sometimes

bc it is not possible

strong = mp?

what do people do against Focus Attacks? Is it just a matter of training yourself to blast on reaction, or do people have specific mental habits to determine when to use 2 x lk versus jumping away versus teleport behind etcā€¦ FA is the real death of me at the moment.

FA is kinda bad for Dhalsims to deal with.
Sometimes i just trhow then when they realease focus, but itā€™s too risky

A few questions because I couldnā€™t locate a q&a thread.
1.So ummm what is the max damage combo meterless (jump/fa db.mp db.mp fire is the one I see most but why not db.hp b.mk fire? sorry I checked his frame data but with all his moves I am super confused)
2.Canā€™t people hi/low mixup off of catastrophe? Like hk then u1 when they stand either overhead with b.hp or go low with cr short?
3.Why is yhc-mochi so good? Iā€™m convinced hes top 5 in the world and judging by topanga so far hes the best in japan.
4.Why is sim so awesome? I saw the tele guide by cow and I fell in love.
Thanks for any responses. Hopefully you guys can answer everything.

I thought b.hp xx mp.flame (fire? blast? I canā€™t remember which move has which nameā€¦) was the highest damage. You can combo it out of j.b.hp and j.b.mk, but you wonā€™t land it as anything but a punish from a grounded start. you donā€™t use db.hp opener much because itā€™s slow and characters in your face donā€™t give you that much time, generally.

2 things here: simā€™s u1 is almost guaranteed to whiff/trade if the opponent is close, because if they arenā€™t already in the animation for a move, then they will throw you and your fireball will be wasted. Anyone actually at the right distance to have to block u1 is too far away for simā€™s shitty walkspeed to make the high/low any good, you may as well left/right them with teleportā€¦

Also hk in my limited experience is bloody hard to land, unless youā€™re talking about b.hk, in which case the above applies.

Donā€™t know, havenā€™t seen him play.

Personally I like him cos heā€™s very hard to play and keepaway in general is hard to play.

I meant hard knockdown like forward throw u1 as a meaty or something then either hit low or b.hp for the overhead or even instant air hp. It seems 10x harder to react to than a left right. Am I just crazy or does that seem better than a tele mixup.

Annnnndddd you need to watch some yhc mochi. Hard to find long sets with him recently but damn he is godlike there are like 3 videos of him losing on youtube and 1 is to infiltration.

Iā€™ve been having trouble canceling light flame from d.lk when the slide is at the maximum distance and barely hits. I know it doesnā€™t combo but flame doesnā€™t come out for me; up close it does.

And for IATs does every do srk tiger kneeā€™dā€¦ i.e. forward, down, down-forward, forward, up-forward?

And why canā€™t I stop jumping?

Yes sim can high/low off catastrophe after a hard knockdown.

@ Yoga you can only cancel d.lk the couple first active frames.


well I just watched some YHC mochiā€¦omfg

Why donā€™t people do catastrophe then mummy then inferno? Itā€™s more damaging.

I would assume because there is no left/right mixup involved. Opponents can block the whole thing.

On hit -__-ā€¦

Oh I see, I retract my statement :slight_smile: