Denjin Arcade - I'm in Da-Da-Da-Danger!

What time is the ranbat?

5-6 i think. i might be there tonight.

gg’s, ST tourney was really dope.
thanks for the boxer advice/tips

we’ll get em next time

hey guys thanks for playing yesterday, i had a lot of fun and it’s really cool that i have more people to play st with at denjin now. i like st more than hd remix, but you gotta take what you can get i guess. anyway…

kazzy check it out here’s dictator’s meter building technique i was telling you about.
at 55 seconds in notice the reversal messages. normally being in that situation means round over against a number of characters but not if you inconspicuously build meter like that.

and siege, i noticed you were using crouch strong as a meaty. it doesn’t have many active frames so as a meaty it’s not that good but his whole arm has no vunerable hitbox so if you use it on their wakeup you gotta make sure it’s at max range. crouch mk is better on their wakeup though in general. it’s meaty as hell and gives sick frame advantage so you can walkup throw or link into low roundhouse to knock them back down if you think they’ll try and counter throw.

pyro i saw paper jumping in at you a lot and you’d just block, gotta get that twitch srk out to get him out of your face. if you ever want to have a session on ggpo or something just let me know!

for bagrat i don’t really play blanka much but like caesar said stand strong is sick as an anti air if you don’t have a charge.

i think that’s about all i got, i’m glad we all got to play together and i look forward to more sessions!

alright thanks a lot, really appreciate it. hopefully you guys are here for the next ranbat and we can have another tournament! 2v2 is sick but singles would be alright too

less teams allowed to play! register NAO


I heard you’re good with abel but terrible with yun. Is this true?

Why are you even still posting?

happy birthday pyro

Birthday bash 2nite

denjin 2night for pyro’s birthday bash

Thanks for the advice man…I was upset because that side’s jab was going out and a lot of my shoryukens and fireballs didn’t come out. You guys need to come out here more!

what the fuck are you

edit: talking about

oh yeah and happy bday pyro

happy birthday pyro! i had some problem with financial aid this semester, so i’m pretty broke for a while. if that weren’t the case i’d be there more often. sucks about that jab, forward was a bit wonky too on that side. hopefully we’ll have better buttons next time.

Happy Bday to Pryo “Dae own’s Pyro” lee

drug cowboys :smokin:

we ride till we die

of overdose

denjin is the waterfall to my sf2