Denjin Arcade - I'm in Da-Da-Da-Danger!

Good luck in Japan.

Danisen Results!!

Sextaro - 6th Dan
pherai - 3rd Dan

jon kuroda fighting !

Good luck.


Pherai you made it higher than you did here!

good luck in japan guys!

i’ll see the rest of you at denjin tomorrow for ssf4. some friends and i are driving down from fresno.

You know I am with you at all times. Good luck!

Good luck over there. Have fun, rep the US hard.

Denjin Arcade - SSF4 Ranbat 3.3 September 11th!

Good luck Yi- have fun…

Good Luck at SBOz mang.

good luck, show me something sick Yi Wang

It was my first time here tonight. I really liked my experience here and I hope to come back soon!

I own kaz and pyro in ST.

Yi is going to come back to an arcade full of ST players.

Who was the guy playing red ken?? He had like short hair like a crewcut (and I think was hispanic?) but he had awesome piano skills! Wish I had that kind of finger movement :frowning:

ah jeeze

it was sick seeing you guys playing st on saturday. keep me in the know if you guys plan anything in the future for it so i can come! and teach me how to not suck at 3s.

good luck in japan!

I believe that was carLI-to Wang. We just call him “Li-Wang”

Good luck at SBO guys! :smiley: