Denjin Arcade - I'm in Da-Da-Da-Danger!

anyone wanna play super sometime this week? Need to start practicing for ranbats

Iā€™m down to play this weekend.
Just not at Denjin. :frowning: Too far.

Iā€™m down venom, hit me up when youā€™re gonna go.

Kentaro Inoue.


tonight (yeah yeah)

im going to ocv this years sbo team!


GGGS homeslice


Just a heads up to Denjin heads. Daigo and Momochi are flying to Ohio for Seasonā€™s Beatings 5. Theyā€™re going to have a 3s tournament on head to head Japanese cabs. Would be awesome to see some of you guys make the trip out for this one. I definitely recall a conversation with Yi asking what it would take for him to come to an east coast 3s tournament. His only requirements, that it be held on Japanese cabinets.

Well now you have that AND Momochi!!

Seasonā€™s Beatings: Redemption - Daigo, Momochi, Choco - Oct. 15-17, Columbus, OH

iā€™m convinced

just broke and scrubby is all

Unfortunately this is in October and I would just be coming back from Japan and China. I would really like to come to this, but the timing is just really bad for me.

I understand man. I myself donā€™t get back from Japan until October 3rd or something. Weā€™ll just have to be sure to play Momochi on his home soil I guess, lol.

hey face give me your japan ticket and money

Vinny has the worst (insert character here). Except for Chun, Iā€™m the worst Chun ever.

Start playing internet poker or something, it is free money.

Tonight yeah yeah

free ramos

daego lee!




Rock and Raoh Sundays tonight! Rock and I are going to church to worship Jesus our Lord and savior and then hittinā€™ up Denjin. Hope someone is there!