Denjin Arcade - I'm in Da-Da-Da-Danger!

Pretty good considering not much practice man! and in daigos group no less

Evil Geniuses -

wow that was a great article!

-Jon ā€œEG|Pheraiā€ Lemerand

why dont you also put in there that they lost 2-0 in winners finals? how yi ocved the team? how confused they were against ken i? how much pyro got into their head?.. oh right a biased article reviewerā€¦ not at all good journalismā€¦ next

Guys, i just signed with Evil Geniuses for Minesweeper. Iā€™m sorry.

Itā€™s because i can finish Expert mode in 65 seconds in Upside Down Mouse mode.



who is going tonight?

I just woke upā€¦ I might go, I dunno. ~.~

dj ratbagz!!! ssf4 ranbats!

Board games tonight guys!

I will be bringing a board game, as well as playing 3rd Strike and PACHINKO!

Will someone beat a boss in pachinko tonight? I think itā€™s impossible

Pachinko is a cruel mistress

Perudo tournament TOMORROW

I got taken out by 12 2s and 15 5s?

Liarā€™s Diceā€¦ yi wasnā€™t there to witness the foolā€™s game, Calzoā€¦

Perudo Ranbatsā€¦

Stay tuned

We missed you! :frowning:


Sorry, I fagged out and played APB instead. :confused: