Denjin Arcade - I'm in Da-Da-Da-Danger!

I think we’ll be able to survive guys!

top 3! top 3! haha im too good

tonight plebes

One of these days I’m going to see how much of a stupid ignorant fuck I really am.

denjin 5v5 puzzle bobble!

cj/carlos/eric/kaz/vinny defeats terry/pyro/busta/yi/ironfist

denjin triathlon

5star wins pullups and pushups
matt chin wins arm wrasslin

Denjin makes every game godlike (Puzzle Bobble)

all hail Denjin “3rd Strike Country”

Wait i missed a push up and pull up competition…DAMN!!!

Ok guys, I will be here later tonight.

See everyone then!

i need to train for puzzle bobble tournies! strong players man, i need to get better.

i thought denjin closed early today


Denjin did close early today. Sorry for no notification :looney:


D90x yo

R.I.P. Nacchan

thanks for the vids up there Dae! you still cheat on sfiv though. good luck at sbo you beasts!


ps d90x

Too many of the pubbles, not enough of the bobbles.

^ haha that was my favorite line

to the dome dawg