Denjin Arcade - I'm in Da-Da-Da-Danger!

the mystery of pyro’s missing wallet was solved by none other than Detective Kaz


I got 2 extra keys if you need them. Hardcore Hammerdin… What’s hood?

Party at Denjin 2night GOGOGO!!!

hey bag, i think the d2/expo key i gave you are already used.

Someone knee vinny in the gut for getting me sick please.

man up you ****** ive been sick for like a week and went to denjin everyday, i don’t care about your health, only your weed.




Everyone post your favorite Pyro quote.




Results of Denjin Arcade Puzzle Bobble Ranbat 1.1 (2v2 random)

  1. Team SBO - CJ/Terry
  2. Team Kaz Time - Kaz! (1 man team)
  3. Team Scum - Bagrat/Vinny
  4. Team NG Eric - NG Marc/Eric
  5. Team Eternal Shore - Pyrolee/Matt

Vin cent!


where are the vids from sbo quals? at least post the finals

what’s the point of putting them up for you? it’s not like you’ll get anything out of them since you suck balls(they will be put up soon).

How you doin’ over there? Not too good!

So I guess I’m gonna be driving Shankar to Denjin on Friday for that documentary thing. Should get there after 10pm.

Jump fierce repeatedly YAH! RAH! RAH! RAH!

“Naruto!!! Sasuke!!! Sakura!!!”

oh perfect, we’re having sbo quals for puzzle bobble. should make up for a hyphy salty time, good sir!