Yeah i would like to go. But it seems people don’t want SSF4 players according to the regulars lol. Anyways i may just check it out for fun this weekend. i don’t understand the hate for SSF4 =\ I guess im just a noob as pyrolee puts it Even though i started playing Street Fighter when it first came out.
Pyro’s Funhouse - not as fun as described
sorry team, we didn’t get the gold droids
My brother uses a Motorola droid, and I recently bought a Droid Incredible.
but I guess those aren’t the droids you’re looking for.
Hey brodie, if you come in here uttering forbidden words like yuck to 3rd Strike and that game is old and everyone should move on, don’t be surprised if players here think SSF4 is garbage.
Players here have traveled to Japan to play 3rd Strike with the best, and I have shed blood and tears for this game. If you want the regulars to accept you, you should not come in here talking about the loves of their lives like that.
Pyro’s Playpen
I rule, you drool.
I see you found your shovel.
I think 3rd strike was trying to tell you something.
If you hate on 3rd strike you only hate your own ignorance.
Sorry For offending some of you. I understand if someone would bash a game you enjoy. I guess i would react the same way. I didn’t mean to come off that way. I’m just looking for a good place to game with some people because i am tired already of playing online. Like i said i been out of the fighting game scene for about 8-10 years. I should rephrase what i said. I just didn’t get into 3s and maybe i never gave it a chance back then. Anyways again i apologize for the remarks i made.
See you guys this weekend
Final Prep
I need a team for tomorrow. Will be in attendance tonight.
everyone give it your all today
james, i’m sorry
carlos, thank you for being a hero
fun fun fun night
congrats team apocalypse, you taught them tonight
“I am as far beyond mutants as they are beyond you…I am eternal!”
congrats team apocalypse, you taught them tonight
“I am as far beyond mutants as they are beyond you…I am eternal!”
james is a fuckin lesbian
james is a fuckin lesbian
fuck you jon
fuck you james