Denjin Arcade - I'm in Da-Da-Da-Danger!

I need more people for this! [media=youtube]HcPWCFg6zxM[/media]

Anyone going tonight?

fun times at ty’s funhouse

probably going tonight

The Box Arena would like to invite everyone for the next 2 saturdays to San Diego for our SSFIV events

First up on Saturday on June 26th, continuing our SSFIV 2vs2 Ranbats comes the 3rd round of our season. With SD’s Best ShadyK being the point leader and most likely winner of the End of Season Pot which is at $630 and still growing. There’s still a chance to knock him off and claim the Pot for yourself! Tournament and Stream start after 7pm PST -

Still need tournament experience before EVO? Would like to be apart of San Diego Fighting game history? The Box Arena and Level|Up would like to invite you on Saturday on July 3rd for *FIGHT! a *SSFIV Singles Tournament. The whole San Diego Fighting Game community will rally together to fight against SoCal’s best for the last big tournament before EVO! Shankar Tablada will be there filming for San Diego section of his SoCal for his Road to EVO documentary be sure to be there to be a part of EVO history! Tournament and Stream start after 5pm PST -!-SSFIV-Singles-Tournament-San-Diego-CA-July-3rd-2010

Hope to see you guys there!
For more information -

Tell me what you know about dreamin, dreamin

Hey all I just wanted to introduce myself. Thinking of coming down to this arcade for the first time. I just recently found out about it and been out of the fighting game scene for a long time. I’m a old school street fighter 2 player who grew up in T.O who use to play back in the Tilt and family fun zone days.

I just got a fight stick and SSF4 recently for my PS3 and getting heavily back into it! Reminds me of my child hood lol. I just bought some new Joystick parts for my TE stick to make it feel like the old arcade machines. Not use to these 4 gate sticks! I need circular damn it! haha

I am thinking of coming down for the tourney to watch and hang out! Hope to learn a thing or 2 from watching you all! Talk to you all soon!

You’re in for a big surprise. See you there, dude.

LOL why is that?

lol I remember the TO Tilt

that is my home arcade :clapdos::clapdos::clapdos:

A lot has changed since way back when. You think those guys back then knew what was up? OH MAN OH MAN wait til you get to denjin.

It was my home arcade as well! I even worked there for a bit! Wonder if i knew you back then haha. I’m 32 now. lol Yeah im sure a lot has changed! But i can adapt and get good. I always been good at gaming and plan to rise the ranks of SSF4 :slight_smile:

oh no probably not, im only 24. was just some punk kid mashing back in those days :looney:

haha damn i didnt know tilt stayed open that much longer back then. you are young! Well hoping to meeting you all on saturday! Maybe play a few games and get owned! I am getting better though! Actually winning quite a bit lately online with my guile. But i could just be playing scrubs!

Doesn’t this apply to the present as well? :tup::rofl::karate:

yae he still a lil bitch

ey, fuk all yall :arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz::arazz:

Your still a punk ass kid that just mashes!:rock:

how bout make it your home arcade again so we dont have to see you any more
