Denjin Arcade - I'm in Da-Da-Da-Danger!

Denjin 2night…let’s have a repeat of Monday night madness! GOGOGO

how can i be stopped

Told Vinny I’d post this.

Hi Pyro!

You can tell that Sunroute Cup was in California because even the YouTube videos are sun-faded. :lovin:

tonight tonight tonight!!! if you don’t go you will be the target of SHOTGUN 34

hey denjin,
some handsome distinguished gentleman has put a couple of ssf4 mooks on ebay if you know anyone that is looking for one…


This has been discussed informally, but just to make sure everyone knows, World Cup of 3s has been postponed to Ranbat 3.5 on June 12th just in case anyone who was participating in it is going to NCR.

We will however be having our scrub tournament on 5/29 before Ranbat 3.4.

Ushi!? tonight

so no scrub tourney for the NCRers… … . ;_;;; ;; ; ‘’’ ‘’ ’ ``` `` ` ~

See everyone at 10pm!

Scrub tournament? I’m all over that shit!

denjin tonight =]

hey guys since evo is coming out with jerseys, i got the second batch of denjin jerseys started for us.

here is how they will look

hit me up to order one and the number you want. so far there is…

pherai - 420
bean - 666
matt - 69

ooooo me me!!!

ReNiC - ?

ahahahahahaha good choice

pyrolee - 1

wait so its the scrub tourney on the 29th still? or are we replacing it with world cup?
and set me up for Vinny - 143

kaz - 24


33 = Street Fighter 3 : 3rd Strike.