Denjin Arcade - I'm in Da-Da-Da-Danger!

Rock and I will be at Denjin tonight at about 830. We’ll be there from some 3s and super. Where you at Paper? Where you at Kazzy? Where you at Dae?

Rock says he calls out American Champ Yi 5star. I call out John Kuroda.

When is Arizona Beast coming?

I’m ready!!!

I have class until late tonight, If I’m able to make it, it’ll be past 10:30.

Denjin 2night! gogogogo


Denjin 2night gogogogogooooooooooooo

k going

can’t handle MY NIGGA DICK

Scum of the Week ???

hey man, get the fuck out of our thread with that, paper is chill



point conceded

is anyone going tonight???

im rolling through around 8 or so… whos gonna be there to play???

remember ranbat this weekend

Can’t make it to Denjin football if its this week. Something came up =\

it’s not this week. we need you to be there, unless you are teamed with the chins again, in which case i dont care if you are there :arazz:

Fuge in town?

he was as of yesterday. i can hit him up if you want

give him my # and tell him to txt me! <3