Denjin Arcade - I'm in Da-Da-Da-Danger!

Ok guys,

Denjin FOOTBALL is back!@

I’m thinking this coming Saturday or next Saturday before the Ranbat.

Brand new players! Brand new rosters!

Who will stop Matt Chin!?

Hillside Middle School, 2PM start time on whichever Saturday is best!

Papa D and Jeff will attempt to be there. Might be late comers though. If so we will watch.

How about me and Matt Vs. Everyone? Sounds fair to me :rofl:

so i heard matt loves teh cockxers

do you want me to fuck you up or something?

attn 3s scrubs:

How does everyone feel about a scrub tournament? I’m thinking either next friday, or the friday before the next ranbat, or in the afternoon the day of the next ranbat.


Do Jeff and I count as scrubby scrubs? If so I’m down lol

If this is really happening, I’m super down for next friday!

For the purposes of this tournament, if you are not Pyro, 5 Star, Sextaro, or Amir, you are considered a scrub, and allowed to enter.

done and done

maybe i can win for once

I hope you can bring some FFA players too.

Lets set a date!

I hope you can bring some FFA players too.

Lets set a date!

ill try to make it out to the scrub/3s ranbat. list of ppl going to football? pretty sure ill be able to go to that too hah. i wanna see some more vinny tackles!!

I want to see more Tingboy Willie Mays type catches.

I want to see jesus take a knee~

i want to see dae get rolled off the field

nvm it doesn’t matter

i wanna see more upside down inside out headbands

I want to know who the fuck kept kicking me while I was being rolled!