Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax- My Little Sister Can't Be This Top Tier (PS3/PSV Fall 2014)

watch it in 60fps if you don’t have a premium nico account you’ll probably have to wait until 4pm or so for the vid to be 60fps

Nah, still the same feeling. It mainly looks like there’s no transition to the ending frames of an attack from the starting one. Like, you see Shizuo holding a washing machine and reeled back to throw it, and you see him throw it, but you don’t see him moving his body forward to match the point where it had been thrown. While it could be on purpose for a wacky type of thing, it looks like it’d be a lot smoother if a few extra frames were thrown in. But that’s just me nitpicking I suppose…

Wow, so it wasn’t just me that thought the animation seemed to lack frames.

game’s gonna be dope

System guide:

Anyone know how well the game is doing in Japan?

Rob (HeartNana) just recently tweeted this.

Makes me wonder if this is the case or it’s just that particular game center.

Who knows, i know that there are places that get a consistent amount of play.
And others were it depends of the day of the week.

Also this

From DL’s Sourenga:

So many waifus
There is one character that are actually 5 waifus.

I know this is tired and not worth posting but I still sigh in disappointment when I see another waifu character get in when they have such a large cast to choose from.

In before the “Taiga Uppercut” jokes.

Or more likely, “Taiga Up Her Butt”.

While these female characters likely appeal heavily to their intended demographic, I wish they had included one or two additional male leads to balance the ratio out slightly, rather than it being 8:2.

Like Maō or Tōma.

Fo sho. Gay dudes play video games too!

DFC and GG run on the same multicabs. So one particular game can’t be ‘full’, coz those empty DFC cabs can also play GG.

Dengeki Bunko is designed for new/casual players. I only see ultra geek types or NEETS playing this game, and usually during the day time.

Also, people who play seem to prefer single player. Haven’t seen any competitive matches yet.

That’s true, lots of DFC one man NEET-ness combo grinding going on in the dead space between the Xrd swarms during the day here in Nagoya too. USF4 meanwhile has breathed life into that game. Where once the SFIV cabs were gathering dust, they’re regularly manned here now.


To clarify, sex sells is what I meant.

Is there any Akira/Pai footage anywhere? I haven’t seen any in all the time I’ve been looking at Nico vids.

Thats because they are non playable boss characters.

And because they look nothing like the rest of the cast. They look like shitty SF2HD remix sprites.

They are unplayable boss characters but from how “unbosslike” his moves are and how Akira seems to function like every other character, they’ll probably be playable in a later update to the game

Yep Hecatom…too much dependent in time and place. By what Xie was saying in twitter, expect to see a scene in sega club akihabara, Bigone2nd, Leisureland akihabara, omni space, etc. The same way that you would see a scene of 3s more in game newton or game versus than in any other place…or in a more extreme example, MOTW/hokuto no ken in TRF.

The good part is that at least leisureland have a regular tourney, that is recorded and uploaded to nico douga