Demul + Netplay Tutorial

Can you guys recommend a pc or laptop that can handle this emulator…Something cheap that i can put in a cabinet. Thanks

Can someone mirror netBlade 0.38? The link in the first post is broken. Preferably mediafire or megaupload. Thanks!

Thanks for the tutorial :slight_smile:

Hey I have it up and running also I will play with you :slight_smile:

Hey I have it up and running also I will play with you :slight_smile:

For those who want to play CVS2 or MVC2 online using Demul v0.5.6 with net play setup already and done :slight_smile:
here’s the link: Free File Hosting Made Simple - MediaFire
also cvs2 works really well online use the “nvram” setup for cvs2 in the nvram folder > its folder labeled “backup settings” choose
cvsnk2 (setting freeplay speed 4) copy and paste the 2 files in the nvram main folder and over wright the old files thats it

has there been an update to the emulator?

the latest one i have glitches up ALL the time and it is unplayable

Alright, i’m downloading Demul(Dreamcast online)>Demul (Kaillera online)>Demul v0.5.6 SSE2 (32bit) [full version].zip

  • cvsnk2 (setting freeplay speed 4).zip

This is all i need right?

Don’t forget a powerful computer!! I wouldn’t bother playing this “crap” online yet because it has too many bugs and it’s pretty much unplayable for now, only online, you are good for offline play. You need the bios and plug ins for this. You should be good and running.


No update yet! Let’s keep waiting because you are right, the thing in unplayable as or now.

Yo guys is there a way to lower the volume in demul without turning it off?

I did everything as u said in step 3. but when I go to run naomi and load marvel vs capcom 2 it gives an error message saying "Unable to find ‘88000000.bin’ in romset ‘mvc2’. And even for the doa2 rom. But for the capcom vs snk 2 rom it gives no trouble at all. But for the console verson of cvs2 it has trouble reaching 60 fps and at the most goes upto 50. Whats the problem? and can it be fixed?

this net patch is way better and the emulator doesnt have any bugs

heres a tut

k… anyway does anybody like to play CvS 2, soul calibur console version and SFIII 3rd strike console version on demul online via p2p kaillera? can barely find any hosted games and was wondering if there is anyone here who likes to play.

Having an issue when I try to map buttons, it automatically maps to “JOY_DIG0_UP” whenever I click anything. Only device is my EX-SE and I don’t have this problem with GGPO >_<

Anyone still on here, I just got a beastly PC and a ASUS gaming laptop and wanna try again.

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BUMP^^ Is there a way to do a player swap for cvs2 when multiple people >2 are in a game together? I know its possible to join into a game with 2+ people in it but is there a function to player swap player 3 in over player 2 and rotate different players in so multiple players could be rotated in?