DeeJay - Spacing and Zoning

Approach this match similarly to Dhalsim. Full screen is NOT where you want to be. Stay in slide range so you can trade hits with a boom (in your favor +knockdown)

Knee shot is pretty amazing in this fight if he throws a close EX boom. Knee shot + is effective (and feels awesome)

I think I have a fee Guile Replays I can upload, idk.

Throwing projectiles requires an ABSOLUTE forward, downforward will not work.

I agree that the biggest issue with maxouts is that you telegraph the fireball by charging. Seems like my opponents ALWAYS know when I’m going to throw one.
DJ plays like a fireball character against opponents without a fireball, and plays as a non-fireball character against opponents with a good fireball game. His fireball allows him to cancel out opponent’s fireballs for a bit of a break, but he doesn’t really benefit from fireball wars. Sooner or later you have to make it stop. EX air slasher seems to be most useful for corner combos. In fireball wars it’s mostly a waste of meter compared to getting in range and using EX sobat.

Against characters I want to zone, I have serious trouble when I get to the range where my opponent can jump in over a fireball (or slide under it or duck it etc) and nail me with a jump in combo. From there to the range of I’m never really sure what to do. Outside that range I can throw fireballs and react to their attempts around it. Inside that range I know what I need to do: block and try to find an opening to push them back out.

Against characters I want to get in on that jump in range seems to be the perfect spot. Depending on the spacing the options are jump in, knee shot, slide, or the sobat for whatever range I’m at. The biggest problem I have against Guile is that boom is to fast for me to reliably react to and most of my moves are punishable by flashkick. Against Sim it’s always slide-throw or nj.hp instant overhead (though the first one is mostly a problem due to online throw-tech issues).

Against Guile you really need to stay grounded and work your way in SLOWLY. I’ve found it similar to Honda Guile, only without the huge damage payoff when you get in. You have to walk him back toward the corner and bulldog him. This is hard because Guile’s normals beat DJ’s normals and his boom beats max outs.
Ideally you want to be just barely outside flashkick range.
Sonic boom has 9 frames of startup and around 30 of recovery. This gives you about 20 frames to execute an EX sobat once he STARTS throwing the boom. If you’re in range and looking for the move, you can react in time.
Try to punish him for throwing booms: trade with, go through with EX sobat/U1, focus dash throw through one (RISKY).
Keep him pinned down. Do not allow him to get fresh screen behind him. If he jumps over you or throws you into the corner you’re starting from scratch.

played deejay for awhile what i found out or think is playing deejay as a turtling character does help him a lot with a short burst of mix up

DeeJay is basically turtle and/or rushdown. If you do only 1 with him him, you’re pretty much asking to be read. A pure rushdown DeeJay is basically you have a few combo’s at your disposal, you bait with Knee Shot, and you do mix ups. Not hard to read (since I have had the AWESOME fun of facing about 90% of SRK DeeJay’s in a mirror match). Turtling DeeJay’s are…shit. DeeJay isn’t meant to turtle. His AA is great, his fireball is below average, and his pokes are basically nil against most of the cast (unless you’re against Hakan, Dan, Ryu [which seems to be a huge problem for most DeeJay’s but not me?] and T. Hawk)

My DeeJay is 85% rushdown, 15% turtle. I turtle to un-tech knockdown, then adjust my spacing ever so slightly back that when I jump, about 75% of the time I always get a hit because the opponent cannot tell which side I will have my first hit on =)

[quote=“KatalepticLegion, post:24, topic:118120”]

Turtling DeeJay’s are…shit. DeeJay isn’t meant to turtle. QUOTE]

Well if you say so

Da Knut, I’ve seen you, even played you. You don’t turtle. The DeeJay’s I HAVE seen turtle, their main = Guile. And DeeJay pure turtle is kinda pointless considering he has nice offensive capabilities Guile turtling is great, Dhalsim turtling is great, but DeeJay turtling? Just kinda defeats the purpose of playing him in my opinion.

I play the Guile matchup lame. At high level play it usually ends in timeout. You just have to be patient and match boom for boom and keep sliding under his booms to get closer. Remember, sonic booms don’t hurt but his normals are painful. I prefer to stock up on meter unless I get to far behind in the projectile war. It’s good to have meter for big combos and FADCing out of unsafe specials. All that we are looking for is that chance to get an untechable knock down, then Guile is free. If you get a lead then lame it out.

I don’t have a set style. It depends on the matchup. I turtle against a few characters in the cast and it works well.


no AA? get rushed down
really good normals? lame it out for the knockdown
fireball? build ex get ex sobat off then mix it up.
fireball is better than deejay’s? lame it out, or try to trade sweep with fireball.

If I’m fighting a defensive lame Guile I’ll lame him out with DJ because I actually think DJ wins the lame match against Guile. You can keep up well in the full screen fireball war and if he throws a fierce or strong boom you can slide under it, you can short hop over other booms or neutral jump others. Guile’s wakeup isn’t so good so you can abuse that. If I’m within slide range I’ll sometimes slide him and trade with his boom for the knockdown. I don’t think that match is so hard. I’d even go and say it’s a 5.5/4.5 matchup in DJ’s favour.

You’ve just got to be super careful with Sobats, I rarely use them at all in that match.

I thought the whole thing with Guile being impossible to hit with anything but trade slide made the matchup incredibly difficult.

5.5DJ/4.5 Gully… No way mannnn.

play a guile player who knows the match up. if you still think DeeJay has the advantage, please upload gameplay.

its 4-6 for deejay if you’re stupid and use sobats poor
its 4.5-5.5 if you play smart and read fireballs and knee shot in.
its 6-4 if the guile player tries flashkick on wakeup, can’t block, doesn’t use cr. fierce, and can’t tech

you can use sobats to chip only if they get scared and stand block during a blockstring to avoid being thrown. he can probably still punish with a normal. might test it.

I second that.

I’m not that confident in my opinion of DJ having the advantage. I haven’t played properly in about 2 months so my view is probably distorted through old memory lol. I don’t really have any weight in the DJ forum so don’t take my opinions too heavily.

i’m not trying to get at you or anything. maybe you know something we don’t know or you’re doing something guile players haven’t seen.

I doubt it. My DJ’s pretty gash so I’m probably just fighting poor Guiles who don’t know the matchup.

I my self has started to learn DJ, and first thing i am learning is his spacing and zoning. his recovery for his Air Slash is good and its getting better in ssf4 ae. for zoning purposes hes got Air slash,Jackknife Maximum Light version for AA or ex version, CR.HK which is even more amazing for when there trying to get close to you but not attacking you, and Cr.HP which is odd but works, and you can walk behind your air slash and wait for there reaction. so hes got lots of options and all of them have there own purpose in a fight. which i all use. Incorpirate all of these in your fights like i do and im beating players with my defence and my expanding offence. and hes got a great cross up attack JP.MK which works great. the onlything i am in training mode and will be for a while is the CR.LP, CR.LP, CR.MP link. i will be in training mode for a week or 2 so i can make this muscle memory. with all of this incorprated in your game i beleve you will, we all will be much better.And when ae comes out hes going to be much much much better. dare i say the best charger in the game. i really beleve that my dj brothern.