DeeJay General Discussion

I’m wondering if they will do anything about cl.fierce and cl.roundhouse because they have no use at all right now. If cl.fierce was cancellable on the second hit it would be awesome. Still no idea if that goofy roundhouse could ever be made useful.

Cl. Roundhouse beats neutral jump and bad demon flips.

He really needs more hitstun

Yea I was thinking about this too.

Making his Heavy Punch variations more cancelable and adding a little more frame advantage to his light attacks so linking into cr.fp is possible, would be a great way to up his damage input without having to completely redo the numbers on his damage.

I like to use his j. MP on characters that like to do high air special moves where I’m not sure I’d react with j. HK/HP at the right time. Two characters that I use j. MP the most on are Bison/Dic (headstomps and ultra 2) and Vega/Claw (wall dives). If I’m fast enough and know my timing is on, I won’t use it, but for those moments where I’m late, lazy or unsure, j. MP is great as it stays out a bit longer and hits horizontally, beating those air specials clean every time. Other than neutral j. LK/MK, it’s really DJ’s only perfectly horizontal air normal that allows him to jump forward/backward. I personally like it. Try working it into your routine and you might feel the same :slight_smile:

I was using Neutral Jump and Jump Back Medium Punches to beat Seth jumpin shenanigans with Footstomps Dive Kicks Jumping Heavy Kick and that Medium Punch uppercut he has that beats like everything air to air. It was working most of the time but I’m not sure if it was a product of mistiming on my part making me lose or on his making me win. I should probably test it some time.

hey i was/am in the peacefuljay stream. the scrubs are making me look good but i’ll link the archived matches when they are done. got screwed in the vega match because (get ready for excuses) can’t punish whiff U2, lag, my execution on xbox is weird, and that’s all lol

no DJ news for this week or next.

yeah. i hope they make blanka’s hitboxes normal. its so weird comboing that damn character.

lmao just got dash ultra on pad. couldn’t use the ps3 dpad. only the analog.

Dee jay for Iphone SF4

Is it just me or is it hard to juggle low fierce mk upkicks into a second upkicks? seems harder than the low strong to me due to the pushback. Nevermind the wonkiness of trying to cancel upkicks or MGU off of low fierce to begin with.

Besides slide are there any useful juggles off the launching CH fierce? Slide seems to be a bit range specific and I can’t get it to juggle if i hit the fierce at max distance. I usually don’t have charge to pull off sobat or air slasher. Is there enough time to charge for upkicks if you’re not in the corner?

While we’re on juggles, can you get two mk upkicks after EX MGU from midscreen? I’ve seen that happen in the corner in some vids but not midscreen. I can only ever get one hit of the mk upkicks juggling after ex mgu.

Been trying to learn DJ’s normals lately and I was surprised how useful far standing roundhouse is. Getting a good bit of use out of it actually. And that fierce has a much longer range than you would think just looking at it. I will say that people on XBL think I’m trolling them when I try to use nothing but normals all match.

After a CH far fierce you can do another far fierce or far roundhouse.

I think that mk upkick > mk upkick after EX MGU doesn’t work midscreen.

About his far roundhouse, the range is good alright but it’s no excuse for how shitty its frames are. I use it every now and then but I wouldn’t rely on it in clutch situations.

I like to do a close air slasher and then poke someone with far roundhouse… I get some people with it.

After juggle state you can also do a jumping mk and maybe a jumping roundhouse depending on how close you are. aswell as standing mk

I’ve got some great use out of the far st.HK in the Zangief matchup. Played a lot of games with WorstGiefEver and figured out that is good at counterpoking him and it’s got the furthest hitbox for DJ so if you wanna keep him away it’s invaluable.

yes this poke has great range, but very bad frame data
i prefer cr. HP vs Zangief
and neutral jump MK has good range too

Guile’s air throw beat my upkicks

Air throws beat absolutely everything in the game that isn’t invincible don’t they? I was under the understanding that if an air throw and a move meet the air throw is guaranteed to win and the only way to beat an airthrow is to hit it in startup frames not active frames?

guile airthrow beat dreadkick too

Zangief’s Ultra 2 grabs dreadkicks which when it happened I lmfao.

I did my upkicks pretty late. That’s why I am shocked. The I frames should have been there still.