Dahlsim’s one of my trouble spots. After a blocked mummy or footdrill, I feel like I’m blockstun waiting for a tax return. After that, depending on spacing–especially in the corner–I feel pretty free to slide pressure/back+hk(?) upward kick sillyness. Maybe I’m just getting read, but this is probably one of the most confusing situations I get myself into. If I try to s.mp, I eat a foot; if I try to cr.hp, I might get lucky and trade, if I try to cr.mp, i usually eat a slide or a foot to the head. Anyone willing to share their train of thought? Or is this a “oh shit, you let THAT happen?” situation?
You can beat slide with cr.mp if Sim isn’t already in your face, but your best bet is to do DJ’s like dread kick (charge back, forward + LK). For the upward kicks, the one’s that hit you if you fireball or jump (?), you can do cr.hk and hit them clean. Also, cr.hp is a good trade if you have the life to spare because it can dizzy Sim really fast; it’s more likely to hit if you do it a little before Sim’s kick comes out.
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Dee Jay and O.Dee Jay’s normal move frame data is in the Wiki. Images thanks to B2SPD. Here is the file section with the numbers:
The order is close, far, crouching, neutral and diagonal.
Do you have more info on other chars prejump frames?
I’ve found a few of them in my files:
Cool. Thanks. Does this also mean when deejay lands he is vulnerable to trip guard for 3 frames?
No, there is no necessary relation between pre-jump and recovery. There is an animation that plays if you do nothing, but if you are not hit just as you land, you can block, enter special moves (which makes installed DPs possible, BTW), throw, etc.
Is there data on this? You mentioned if one is not hit just as they land they can block of do special moves. What’s the definition of “right as they land?” How many frames?
For those of you using TRUST, I’ve found a script that does perfect 4-Hit MGUs on block, hit, and from combos.
4-Hit MGU
&[Savestate #] W20-
Basically, this says that you must do HP MGU, wait 1 frame, Strong, wait 1 frame, Jab, [Fierce, Strong, Jab]x3. It seems, please correct me if I’m wrong about how TRUST handles frames, that the [Fierce, Strong, Jab]x3 portion must be done frame by frame (1 frame per button). My hands may fall off on this one lol
I’m looking for a Dee Jay write up, any body know where I can find a good?
Find a good…tutorial? Guide? Besides this thread post, which has a lot of good information, the only thing I can name on-hand are two things. One is the SRK ST Wiki:
The info is a bit sparse, but there’s a few bits in there about overall strategies, normal usage, and a helpful hitbox display that shows you how each move works, and why they’re good or bad.
The other one isn’t a write-up, but a basic character tutorial on Deejay:
It’s pretty lengthy, and I apologize for that, but it goes into a lot of basic and slightly advanced techniques and strategies.
Deejay is “cheap” and just plain babyzone. Please close dis thread.
I actually watched that video and started messing around with Dee Jay. He’s a lot of fun, his cross up mixups are insane especially since you can combo into super off one.