[December 29, 2012] - KING OF GGPO 2012 Championship

why no1 congratulate afro, well afro had more fans when he used to play everyone , i guess he’s back to elite = japan play

Stream monsters and trolls gotta have a villain to root against I suppose. I guess Afro is their pick.

I would say damdai was the initial “villian”, however, once people began witnessing Afro’s 2-faced tendencies for themselves, public opinion changed.

Pretty much

Damdai was once considered the villain? Seems like most of the posters on the forums make him out to be the white knight.

As far as two-faced tendencies goes, what do you mean by that?

If anyone from the peanut gallery wants to shut Afro up, then beat him and stop him from winning. Good luck with that task though.

No one wants Afro to shut up. It’s more entertaining when he opens his mouth.

Oh, the irony…