[Dec 1, 2012] NORTHEAST CHAMPIONSHIP (NEC XIII) Dec 1st & 2nd--In... (Philadelphia Pa.)

You’re gonna love it man, my first major was Summer Jam 6 and it was crazy.
People tell me NEC has even more hype, so you’re def in for a treat.

Any international players?

3S Exhibition could be team Ryun(Ryu or Yun) vs. team Keng(Ken or Yang).

Updates coming tonight.

I will be there. I will be making my Donation to the tekken pot.

Hey Big E. I have a 27" Sony 3D LED 240Hz and a 20" Samsung LED 120Hz. I can bring them along with me let me know if you need them.

I guess now’s as good a time as any to announce this

Poverty is back on the East Coast. I will be running a fun AH2.1 Red vs White at NEC on the exboard on Sunday!
No ps2 lag, all the ah2 grime
I will also be running an Aquapazza side tournament.


Good stuff.

is KoF13 reg on-site only? it’s not on the bigegaming.com registration page. just wanted to know before i register.

On site only buddy.

Legit Question: I never been in a tournament. Is this a decent one to start up?

is online reg only paypal
or can i use my card?

never mind got it

NEC is one of the biggest events in the nation. Real hype.

Long story short, the answer is YES.

Although you might want to go to some locals if you can, too, to get ready and meet the folks in your area.

Nothing but love from Atlus.




“Hey E! So… um… whatcha gonna do with them posters… you know… after the event? I could… like… take them off your hand… you know?”

Look forward to hearing that all weekend. Haha.

Why Matt you want one lol.

You know I don’t have the space for it.

Going to Bar Battles made me want to go to nec even more! Looking forward to this.

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