You should never lift weights when you’re angry unless you want to end up damaging your tendons because you lifted wrong or tried to lift too much. Once you damage a tendon it’s damaged for life and you have to work around it.
The simplest solution is to turn the game off if it’s bothering you. A single bout of anger can impair your immune system for up to 8 hours. It also puts stress on your adrenal system. If you get angry every day, you can end up throwing your entire hormonal system out of whack, which can lead to mental and physical disease.
You should also take a look at what kind of food you’re putting into your body. Food additives, sugar and caffeine can cause anxiety, which manifests itself in anger in some people. Garbage in, garbage out.
Take things in stride. Being good at SF2 isn’t going to make you a better person.
Man I thought this was only me I don’t really have anger issues, except with Street Fighter. Losing at this game is like the anti-calm. Getting brutalized and flailing ineffectually just erodes my self control so fast it’s ridiculous.
Oddly enough, I’ve played 100 game sets with Afro, Valle, and similar, and lost 95% of them, and not gotten even the slightest bit angry or even annoyed. This is because they are so damn good it just doesn’t hit my ego. It’s the same, honestly, when I play anyone with any talent or skill or both.
What gets me wanting to throw my controller is losing to the JRH->SWEEP kids. Good god. Losing to these guys online due to a combination of lag and nervousness (shit makes me nervous when I am going to not play for 20 minutes if I lose) is so unbelievably frigging frustrating.
The worst part is once you lose to one of these monster scrubs, you have to listen to them talk shit about it, and watch them play against a bunch of other scrub monsters for 20 minutes.
Get in a room with a good set of players, however, and the anger is gone If you get to watch good matches in between losing and actually stand a chance at learning something, that rules.
I am really looking forward to the day where I can punish that kind of scrubbery 100% of the time
“You should also take a look at what kind of food you’re putting into your body. Food additives, sugar and caffeine can cause anxiety, which manifests itself in anger in some people. Garbage in, garbage out.”
Replace the word ‘anger’ with ‘internet aggression’ and you get the picture!
I think I always like your posts. Your checkers tantrum sounded hilarious. I thought it was interesting that missing moves in particular does make you angry because I also recall reading a post eons ago where you mentioned you like going for hard-to-pull-off combos. I’m now constructing a very complex psychological profile of you!
Ahhh God yes, they feel so sensual on your hands. How can you not calm down?
Power burn!!!
Proof of concept: his response has not a trace of anger to be found. You must have a healthy diet, good stuff man. :tup:
I was focusing on the lifting weights part, learn to read.
Talk about things in which you have some knowledge. Your statement proved to me that you really have very little knowledge about lifting, and as such, you should really never talk about it
I dont get angry at video games. I get angry at myself for making bad decisions :mad: SSF2THDR makes me cuss a lot and scream at the controller.
People say the 360 pad is horrible and I agree, but when this game first came out I had no problem at all, but it seems its getting worse the more I play. Cant make the fireball 75% of the time and it really pisses me off. I think I input the command too fast or something.
Ive never smashed any hardware, controllers included, while in anger as I know it doesnt lead to ANYTHING, but my 360 pad must be really sad with all the cussing thats raining down on it :lovin:
There is a difference between losing because you got outplayed and losing because E Honda jumped at you with a roundhouse, you held back but thanks to your 360 pad you just sat there in low block and ate it.
I’m cool with people outplaying me. Playing even or better opponents is a lot of the fun of SF and it forces you to improve.
However I’ve been ready to throw my 360 controller through a wall half dozen times. Reminds me of when arcades started going to shit and I would play on sticks where I couldn’t low block or use fierce.
Only time I get pissed is if I dont nail a move I intended to do, or If I put myself in a situation TO lose. But sometimes you just… lose, and I try and remember what I did wrong in those matches for future ones.