Deadpool Movie Thread

meh, next one should hopefully fix the stupidity of the Fox disasters.

for instance, no more cosmic powered Dr Doom…and no more Invisible Girl being bigger than Thing

face palm

No more Galactus being a cloud.


Could someone PM me the script please? Also to prevent links from being deleted use the hides stuff ;3

Well if that’s true I’ll be nice to the new FF releases.

Reading this script now…It’s pretty cheesy but it works. Deadpool IS cheesy so Hollywood’s current way of doing things is almost like a match made in heaven.


Movie test footage leaked online -

Video -

According to BossLogic “Test footage, usually cgi is done when the movie is not ready and they want to show development”

I think it looks great, and thank the gods it looks like it’s an R rated movie

I want to get excited, I really do - but I’ll hold off until I get a “this IS happening” quote…

  • :bluu:

Non handycam version -


Ok, script was gone when I looked for it but tell me if I’m warm or cold here

1: Deadpool rescues a chick while on a mission. He

Subplot: Deadpool realizes he was duped into nearly killing a harmless woman. He stashes her then

2: falls in love with her and

3: tries to stop being all nuts and killy-killy for her

4: she gets stabbed or gunned down*, dies in his arms, but before she croaks, she

*continuation of subplot: by Deadpool’s OG client

5: Tells him something that the trailers may or may not use for a catchphrase, like “Embrace your crazy” or something before dying

6: Deadpool fucks shit* up

*the OG Client

7: the end

Is that about it?

WOW the video clip on WSHH of the ‘test shots’ was like…(0_o) they are actually TRYING with this one!

I won’t let my hopes get up…too much. Though Marvel has been doing well, Hollywood’s track record isn’t very good.

And 4th wall broken!

  • :bluu:

i think the movie is coming sooner than people think. i dont think this is some weird footage that isnt being used for already in production thing. the scene is a homage to the raide 2. the raid 2 came out in early 2014, so that means this footage isnt some lost forgotten footage. it was just recently finished, they created this rumor to create buzz and dropped the trailer. i think this movie is actually being made.

i hope it isn’t Daniel Way’s Deadpool they are trying to emulate here. His version of deadpool may be the most popular, but Way’s humor is so “Low common denominator”

its pretty much the deadpool most people know.

so will the movie be live action or what?

cgi. their saying its ryan in a mo-cap suit ala ninja turtles.


Or are you referring to this particular clip??

If the entire movie ends up just being CGI then


Deadpool is like, THE least mature Marvel character. Can anyone imagine how lame this would be with Liefeld’s DP?

Live action.

This is literally test footage, meaning it’s basically a proof of concept to give the execs something tangible in order to make a decision. Being in any creative field whether it’s design, television, movies, etc it’s always a good idea to have something to show. This CGI was more than likely a lot cheaper than actually shooting something that had half the running time. If you notice, the CGI isn’t even that good.

Cgi looked good to me :stuck_out_tongue:

i know nothing of liefields deadpool…i just know he created it.

uh? that cgi was good. and where did you hear live action? also you can easily make a good 8 min concept video on par with w.e hollywoods crapping out for 1/5th the budget.