Ugh…double post. Dammit Barry struck again.
Legends looks like they about to catch an L form the old-school JSA! Hype!
Sarah is a professional homewrecker :lol:
Turning out females across time.
Barry Allen…get your rogues in line.
Seriously, if you’re a woman and you weren’t at least bi-curious before, she’ll damn sure make you more than curious after she’s done with you.
Why is Star Girl in 1942?
…Blame Barry?
If nothing else, now Barry has given us a scapegoat for EVERYTHING.
Bad characterization? Barry did it.
Felicity being a bitch again? Barry did it.
Hawkgirl exists? Barry did it.
lmfao barry allen is now a fucking plot device for bad writing. jeezus
My god…it was all part of CW’s plan!
D.Dark, is still that dude!!
Sonned Sarah easily!!
lol just realized they stole a line from the avengers 2 or was it civil war.
Bobble Head Barry Strikes again!!!
The fact dr midnite is a black guy. oh lord! To quote dave chapples Rick James… “Darkness is cominggg!!”
Legends of Tomorrow, Mike Ross Edition!
JSA gave the Legends that HARD L!!! DANG, SON!!!
JSA gave the Legends that HARD L!!! DANG, SON!!!
Not even Firestorm, could fk with the JSA!!
Jax wants to tap Star Girl. Don’t blame him. He got that white fever and it is some good sickness to have.