Yeah, that would be his Upper Slash rekkas. His J.2C is Helm Breaker also. I’m assuming that High Time would be 4C and Stinger is 6C.
… was watching 2nd seth killian vergil video
4:25 he uses spiral swords, 1 meter. he has 0, right?
after super flash, he has 2 meters…
Dante doesn’t actually zone with his gun either lol
Jeah, that’s what I was thinking.
Vergil seems to have a lot of nice tools in the normal department. Stinger, Helm Splitter ground bouncing Star Fall… plus it still bottles my mind that High Time hits otg. Seth even went into a nice air juggle after High Time. I think you could do an easy relaunch with magic series, otg High Time, j.:h: Star Fall, relaunch.
its a different match. timer changes and also opponents character changes to thor.
edit : on second view it is the same match but the timer does change so it must have been edited somewhat already.
Alright, I’ve updated the OP with all that tasty new information. Anything I’ve missed?
we know one of his assists is the rapid slash, guess you could put up spaces for each assist and then just update them once we learn what the other ones are. id be very surprised if judgement cut isnt one of them also.
Ahh, that’s right. I was going to do an assist section, but forgot about it. And yeah, JC is one of his assists, you can see it in Seth’s Iron Fist breakdown I think.
we only need one more then! wonder which version of JC it is. probably medium i suppose. Vergil is gonna be fucking awesome with DT powered assists!
Are you sure that his Judgment cut hyper can only be done in the air? Because during Seth’s Vergil breakdown he showed a combo that he likes to do that makes me believe otherwise. He teleport canceled Rising Star (which so far you can only teleport back to the ground with) into the super. Unless the teleports are also super cancel-able.
I can’t see why it’d be air only, not like that seems particularly broken. But unless he’s really hurting for meterless damage I don’t think I’ll be using MV over swords/DT very often (unless it’s a DHC off of something like Sphere Flame or Spell of Vishanti, where nothing else really works)
If it IS air only maybe he tk’ed it? Like how Dorm follows his launcher with TK liberations?
On an unrelated note; I refuse to call it “Maximum Wesker” It’s not like he is dashing all over the place, just doing hella Judgment cuts.
Well if we’re lucky it won’t be like Maximum Wesker where you get hit out of it by any stray poke that happened to be on the screen at the time…
Whatever. Maximum Judgement. swords, slashes, bubbles.
His three assists are JC, Rising Sun and Rapid Slash.;title;2&pid=637240
Jeah. I feel the same way. At least Spiderman and Wesker are jumpin’ off the walls. Not really seeing the Maximum in Vergy’s. But whatever. Just nitpickin.
If you couldn’t do Maximum Vergil on the ground, what would Vergil have for a Crossover Combination? It has to be doable on the ground.
I was thinking about that as well, but you just blew my limited thoughts out of the water. I feel like they could compliment each other quite well, plus as you said, the both have Devil Trigger which would lead to some ridiculous bullshit with both of them. An example I had thought of was have Vergil on point and when you have a enough for a Devil Trigger DHC combo do it, after wards if you get enough meter with Dante you could DHC into Vergil’s level 3 and destroy somebodies health(If they weren’t already dead that is).
That’s not a bad idea, to DHC from Vergil’s DT into w/e and then when you have more meter just DHC into it, it costs more meter over all than just doing it with Vergil on his own, but people can’t lame out your DT so you can’t use your level 3 that way… and then you get to abuse DT powered assists until you get your 4 bars for the DHC
It would probably work great with someone like Magneto, DHC Devil Trigger into Shockwave after a hard knockdown for some damage, and then you’ve got a great battery who could kill characters with ease (I’d just be tempted to use Mags level 3 instead lol).
Not very practical over all, but hell, I’ll be pulling Devil Trigger DHC’s for assists already anyways, now I have an auto “BAM, dead character” option.
Exactly, your right about it not being practical, but the most amazing hype moments are never practical! Do it and profit!