damn… Vergil thread almost to page 7. Striders thread only has 10 pages/
Vergil gets people motivated to post.
Considering Vergil is mid-sized and Nelo Angelo should be at least as big as Dormammu if implemented into this game, I doubt they’ll release a Corrupted Vergil/Nelo Angelo DLC costume. Plus, Nelo Angelo uses a Zweihander instead of a Katana and shoots fireballs out of his hands. They’d have to release him as an alternate character altogether. They might just release a Corrupted Vergil DLC with the normal Devil Trigger, which I’d still be hype for.

This + Eve of Destruction Magneto = ZOMG
Indeed so where’s your motivation?
Vergil, Morrigan (Dark harmonizer), Ammy (Ice thingy). Team Can’t touch this brah?
It’s mostly cuz people keep crying about Vergil having lvl 1 ouroboros, or saying he’s a clone, or saying that they want to have man sex with him.
To me i think vergil is defintly a meter user bar none, to me he is the exact opposite of dante in terms of playstyle, use and supers. I think just because he doesnt need to be flashy to do a 600,000k combo hes gona be picked up.
Dante: Build 4 meters in one combo
Vergil: Use ALL meters in one combo
Yea I can definitely see that happening, put him in second with a sick battery on point and watch the swords fly once he hits the field. Although he may end up like viper in that he builds a lot of meter in his combos but also needs a lot of meter in his combos.
I wonder what his assists are gonna be, he will probably get one of his sword slash projectile thingys and maybe the dragon punch move with beowulf. I do wish they had given him stance changes, I think that woulda been sick if he had yamato and beowulf but w/e.
A thought just occurred to me; if the duration of spiral swords is in fact based on the number of hits, do assists follow the same rule? That is to say, if you called him while spiral swords were active, could they hit the opponent and then disappear like the would normally?
Oh duh, for some reason that didn’t even register with me when I saw it, since he goes so high up. Was hoping it would be something more like dante’s where it is just above, but in front.
Hopefully his meter eating will be worth it, i’m kind of glad that he doesn’t build meter in Sword Spiral, if he could he’d just cancel into Sword Spiral over and over again, then you’d probably have something like an Ouroboros.
I also noticed that after Maximum Vergil the opponent is put in a hard knockdown. That’s plenty of time for some good DHC’s. You could DHC to Dante’s Devil Trigger and OTG guns -> Wallbounce etc or anything, assuming you haven’t used your ground/wallbounce/assists in the Vergil combo.
If he has good assists, he’ll have a dirty anchor game
“YOU TRASH!” we got Vergil in the house aka Big V aka V-dub aka No I’m not Dante 2.0 . Vergil is gonna be beast :).
My first combo I’m gonna try out from looking at videos I think it’s safe to say that he has teleport cancels (just like DMC3)…
L,M,H xx Lunar Phase, (land) cr.H xx Rising Sun xx teleport cancel Up xx (mid-air) M, H, xx Starfall xx teleport cancel Front xx Starfall xx teleport cancel Front xx Starfall xx teleport cancel Front xx (maybe add something if i get ground bounce) land High Time (OTG) teleport cancel Up, H xx Judgment Cut Hyper
…hopefully something of this nature will work…also in speculation I think he’ll be sick with Stinger or Starfall + teleport cancel + assists…mainly Strange’s Double Beam assist to help cover his approach as well as zone with judgement cuts…but meh it’s all in theory
lunar phase /starfall ground bounce so you cant use both in one combo without resetting or preventing a ground bounce
seems like he’ll need a good OTG assist to take advantage of his bounces
doubt you can cancel rising sun to teleport unless its one of those exceptions where you can cancel a special to another (upper slash OTG seems to auto teleport you down)
He teleport cancels rising sun in the second iron fist vs vergil vid against ryu, the one on the new danger room stage. Though it is also a down teleport. It would be really strange if you could only down teleport cancel those moves, what would be the point?
Exactly, I believe since he resembles his dmc self so much already, he’ll be able to teleport cancel into combos, not to be safe and go back to zoning…Wesker can combo in and out of teleports, I don’t see why Vergil couldnt.
oh, so i guess he can cancel rs with teleport then.
although, has front teleport been confirmed? if so, then all 3 teleports in the air should ground you (back/vertical teleport does already) anyway. we’ve seen him use the cross up teleport in corner after stinger wallbounce for combos though.
seems like DT improves his specials. larger hitbox on judgment cut and rapid slash
edit: looks like 5s be combo’d into downward slash if you don’t jump cancel it. maybe like 5ssss or something (he seems to say touchdown? or something when he finishes it. looks like it inflicts ground bounce too. seen in the trailer vs doom) this might deconfirm dante type boldcancel since you see him doing stinger to 5s
edit: seems like that 5s “rekka” has 2 or 3 total normals.
downward slash that inflicts ground bounce, and a finishing slash where he says touchdown, which also inflicts ground bounce.
vs doom in reveal, 4 hits+finisher. note that the 2nd hit doesnt ground bounce because the spiral swords prevent it.
vs iron fist in vergil gameplay, he does one up slash then a down slash twice. down slash ground bounces so the 2nd one cause him to roll out, & this time the spiral swords didn’t prevent the first ground bounce. vs doom in vergil gameplay, 3 hits total, jump cancels the last hit