Dark Slayer Style - The Vergil General Discussion Thread

It looks like it will take work to combo off of, but it causes soft knockdown in his reveal trailer.

He just wasn’t motivated.

I’m think cancel into DT or Spiral Swords would be the easiest way. Which I knew how bad SS scaled hit stun.

I’m kind of disappointed, to be honest. Wish they’d reveal a little more :frowning:

Oh well, only time will tell.

Morrigan’s mirror powerup definitely does not stay when she is tagged out.

On topic, Vergil looks like a lot of fun to use. I really like his “Might controls everything” win quote… and I can’t wait to go against thousands of Dante/Vergil/Wesker teams online come release…

Can’t… wait… :wasted:

If you look at the TGS schedule, there’s a second Capcom thing later into the event. Couple that with the fact that we got four reveals last TGS I’d say there will be more soon.

Just in case no one noticed (because it isn’t in the OP) Vergil also shares Killer Bee with Dante.

Take a closer look.

Lol, my bad. I was looking on the left-hand side of the post, expecting to see it under the same name.

Of course. I’m ready to use this team.

Team “Coats”

Iron fist also did half damage to Hulk with a very short meterless combo. I don’t think we can judge health based on what may the the heaviest hitter in the game.

I could be seeing things but his Devil Trigger didnt seem to be healing him like Dante’s does.

has an even more powerful orgasm from watching Vergil’s trailer

WHY CAN’T THIS GAME BE OUT NOW!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Is it just me or does he sound like the Quantum Ranger? Especially when he goes “Might Controls Everything”?

Oh yeah, obligatory comment of swords are better than Stryder’s orbs, a Dante clone, omg he’s cheap, berserker slash so unfair, blah blah.

Trenchcoat Mafia, son.

no i think it does you can see it in the VS Doom level 3. before he activates there is a little notch of red under the longest part of the health bar, and after he activates DT the small red notch is gone.


Yup, same dude.

Wait… Does that mean you watch the Power Rangers? lol

Don’t get me wrong. I <3 The Rangers but I stopped watching them after turbo. :l It just got ridiculous until Michael Copon made his debut. :stuck_out_tongue:

Dan Southworth is top tier.