CvS2: Sagat Training Guide

Sup man. Glad you’re finding the thread useful.

Double tap is when I brush a button with my MIDDLE finger first, then my INDEX finger. Just watch any Japanese player and you’ll see how useful this technique can be. The first thing you can use this for is whenever you want to go for a throw or a tech hit. A lot of people mash… I hate mashing. I’d play MvC2 or something instead if I actually enjoyed it. When using Chun-li, double tapping becomes extremely useful as well. Messing up d.LP, d.MP is so easy no matter where you’re playing. I use double tapping as personal preference to help my timing greatly.

The main thing you need to remember once you start double tapping a lot more is to NOT abuse it all over the place. Like with Sagat. You should never have to double tap with him at all. The only instance I can think of is when you want to go for a throw or you want to do s.LP, d.MK link. Other than those two instances, you’re always better off just pressing a button regularly.

If you’re playing Guile or Akuma or somebody though, then yeah, double-tapping is a must. How else are you going to get easy RC jab sonic booms and instant Raging Demons?

Good luck. And thanks again for the compliments. :slight_smile:

double tap also makes RC’in the lk version of Funky Kick with ken all that easier.

edit: also, it’s a little bit hard to punish small jump blankas with dp’s on reaction. I know if they try to hit you deep, alot of times sagat can punish small jump with a juicy standing fierce, but if blanka does a relatively early small jump fp, it’s difficult to punish.

Damn, Sagat is a beast! Choi won MWC this weekend. Who was his money character? Ratio 2 Sagat of course. :slight_smile:

Here are some more exercises you guys can do to make your Sagats beastly as well:

Dummy Bison --> crouch --> random guard

Now let’s practice our reaction skills.

Sagat cross up j.LK, d.LK, s.LP, now stop…

-If your moves are hitting, link a Tiger Uppercut

-If your moves are being blocked, link far s.MP xx low Tiger Shot

Dummy Chun-li --> crouch --> random guard

Same idea as above, but this time do…

Sagat cross up j.LK, d.LK, d.LK, stop…

-If your moves are hitting, link a Tiger Uppercut

-If your moves are being blocked, link far s.MP xx low Tiger Shot

Any dummy character…

Sagat walk up d.LK, d.LK xx Tiger Crush, repeat until you can do it on both sides without breaking a sweat

Make sure your first d.LK’s are timed perfectly for a counter hit every time. If your opponent is mashing on a throw or a jab as he gets up, he’s going to get hit by your low short. Ideally, leave only a one or two frame gap between the time the opponent gets up and when the first hit frame of your d.LK becomes active.

Sagat d.LK has three frame startup, four active frames, and base frame advantage of +5.

EDIT: Link as in wait until the move is finished. s.LP gives +6, Tiger Uppercut hits in 3 --> 3 frame link

You mean link as in wait until the animation for the lp’s finished? Or do you just mean link = cancel?

How do you fight C sagat… VS …C sagat.
What’s the best thing to do?:o Please. No flames…
I started playing sagat seriously like a month ago.
I need a little advise.

Like is it better to Turtle,or be agressive/go for guard crash.

And is Sagat RC tiger crush/Dp kick usefull at all?

You are on EC… so, it is better you just do alot of st LK over and over… usually that shit takes till about 20 seconds left on the clock, then the one with less life gets more ansy and random, he hits FPs and rolls. If he whiffs or you punish the roll, you win, if he hits you or lands his roll super, he wins. C Sagat vs C Sagat is boring match like that cuz most C Sagats just sit. You can try FPing and stuff early in the match, but most likely, you’ll whiff and eat a big combo, and lose the match early. So thats why they tend to be so turtly.