CvS2 pad players

just plain wrong…if you really wanted to RC on pad, you could find a way. I’ve found a way to RC elec on pad pretty consistently. Heck, with EVO’s button mapping policy, you might be able to make it even easier…it’s just preference, plain and simple.

You WILL wear out your left thumb if you stick with pad…unless you use your other fingers to use the D-pad. One of my friends can shoshosho on pad, and watching him do it makes it look so…logical.

— He only presses what is required: forward, down, forward, punch, repeat…like a fast triplet with the directions and the punch button as the release, if you speak musical terms. Being a drummer, I wondered why I wasn’t doing the same thing…but that guy is also picky about his pad. He can’t use just ANY ps2 pad, it has to be his…

I agree, I’ve been able to RC on my PS2 controller with a lot of moves, my only trouble comes with trying to do Ken’s lk funky kick because of having to use the x button as roll. (any tips?)

I feel like if I were to switch to a stick then I’d have to learn how to play the game all over again, plus I always found using them to feel akward compared to a smooth PS2 controller.

the thing about playing on a stick compared to a ps2 controller is that there are no technicalities to consider on a stick besides if the buttons and stick is working properly. while with a controller you have to get the “feel” for it, warm up your thumbs, or play with someone else’s pad where the “aura” of that pad is different from the one you always play on.

working buttons and stick is all you need to worry on a stick which I love the most cause the only warm ups I need to take is my reaction timing. it’s just too much advantages you get out of a stick that after playing on it a month, you really don’t wanna go back to pad.

have you ever used a dualshock to RC? are you out of your damn mind? you can do anything on a pad really, but an HRAP or other japanese joystick and even Happ joysticks, are tons more contrllable than those slow little thumbsticks on the fucking dual shock

If i use a ps2 pad, it must be dualshock. =) But, I don’t use the analog nubs. I use the d-pad. I like the dualshock for its weight and contours, which I am used to.

I’ll give you this: I can’t RC funky kick on pad. Some things are easier on stick, and vice versa…

Are you guys REALLY implying that arcade sticks are…RELIABLE??? As reliable as a switch or button going out, or in the case of awful Japanese sticks, other buttons registering when you hit the buttons too hard. Yeah, there’s some reliability for you… -_-

Point is, do not romanticize the notion of a joystick…it is truly down to preference. If you’ve never been to EVO I highly recommend the trip, as you’ll see all sorts of people representing pad on various games.

CMX I’m not even gonna start with all the wonderful, factually correct info you’ve posted in the past few months but there’s no need for drama, right? Pad is fine…in fact I prefer pad over Japanese sticks.

wepeel - I don’t have those stick problems you mention because I take care of my baby. not trying to imply that people don’t take care of their stick or anything.

I don’t know if your being sarcastic about “factually correct info” since I can’t read sarcasim but, I agree that some prefer pad over stick. I was a pad player all my life till I found out I could buy sticks. I’m one of those people who is for sticks but I can also see where your coming from with pads.

I highly doubt there’s no difference between joystick and pad and that it’s all preference. There’s only one noteworthy competitor in CvS2 that uses a pad and he doesn’t use characters with weird RC’s. (Evil, the french player)

As far as I know some of the top players in Europe use pad, not just Evil.

Are there any noteworthy ones who make it pretty far through tournament play?

At the last big CvS2 tournament in Europe Snake (2nd) and Erk (5th) both placed ahead of Evil (lost rather early to my friend Ultima). Ultima also told me that Aris (from Greece, like Snake) plays on a pad too and he can RC quite well, I think he is considered one of the strongest players in Greece.

Aris uses a pad??? That dude probably has the sickest Akuma I’ve ever seen next to Nuki’s… cant believe he uses a pad

so how many of you pad players have broken dualshocks?

i’ve gone through two since i started playing

long live the pad.

Zal - Im on my 6th or 7th one :stuck_out_tongue:

what goes out on you?

they joysticks on the dualshocks don’t stand up to shit

all of the buttons start to jam after awhile, the the d-pad stops responding most of the time

You’re right my friend rc kick of ken it’s damn nearly impossible with pad there is a possibility of success (only if you put the roll command at one of the four wings of the ps2 pad)!!!As a pad user i think that of course the sticks are better cause you can rc better and do some inputs like double circles and some other weird commands but you can also play at a high level with pad here in Greece four of our top players are pad users personally after a lot of years practise pad i can rc preety well for a pad user and pad is very good at rush down for me also my buddie snake can do incredible parries with pad and we have practise really hard the combos in order to do them in game with success!!!

u know snake??? thats tight, I love watching his akuma beast on people, but aris always seems to one up him with his R2 sagat… its a shame, cuz snake is so good


Of course snake is one of my best friends and cvs2 buddies by the way i am aris.
Snake has spent very very many hours on practise in order to achieve these things with p grooveactually me snake and db are the only practise lovers here.Greeks are big fans of gouki we are three gouki users here!From our whole cvs2 scene we have about 6 pad players who are playing in good level but the problem with the pads is that there are really painfull sometimes for the thumb (see sf2 turbo and cvs2and because of the continuous play sometimes the direction cross is getting really soft like jelly and the buttons are loosing their response with the years.(personally i’ve changed about 6 i think i am on the 7th one now:looney:)We are going to meet all together in about 4 days in order to have a 5 days cvs2 burn session among with our friend ultima (ultima capellos aris snake grand lethal matthaios db and maybe nine thats why i,ve changed my pad already and we will have all kind of groove matches from a to p only s is missing 3 gouki users ultima with a me with n and snake with p i will post the whole session as soon as possible one on one matches and team battles)Unfotunatelly the rc funky kick is impossible to rc with the pad as i said above only if you have the roll input to one of your four wings of your pad you have a possibillity of a successfull rc and that pisses me of cause ken is one of my favorite chars and i use the roll command by default i don’t put it to the back wing if anyone knows any pad tips for this move PLEASE help me!

haha damn well, lemme say ive watched a ton of your vidz, and your rushdown is crucial. Do you use your finger tips to slide on the pad, or do you use the base of the thumb? I’ve actually used chapstick to lubricate d pads haha, works okay untill it needs more…do you know how to do the run demon with gouki? I cant figure out how to get the run in there just right… and I also have trouble doing the run punch pressure tactic with my pad, any suggestions?

i use pad, and it’s way easier to RC certain moves like Sak’s hurricane and fireball, but it’s like impossible to RC with jab/short versions. i can SHOSHO when i’m doing it towards the right but not towards the left. and i can do weird stuff like RC super with kyo on pad but never on stick. and it’s easier for me to RC electricity/lightning legs on pad to.