CvS2: Mai thread

clap clap

that shit that was just posted is so useless…did ANYONE actually bother to read that? lol…

all u need to know is that s. fierce is anti-air, her trip is bufferable into fan, and that she can runaway like a whore…and her roll has 3 frame recovery (best there is)…other than that, figure shit out on ur own.

Talking about Mai stuff makes me a better player too; it helps me think more about my options.

BTW thanks for being an ass. If there’s one thing that runs counter to the exchange of ideas in a STRATEGY AND TACTICS forum, it’s people ATTEMPTING to verbally pee on the ideas of others. Since you are so good with Mai, and since you think this is all useless, I expect you to NEVER post in this thread again.

Ummm… why don’t you go posting that in every thread? I mean everyone of them is just spoon fed thoughts or basic shit that everyone knows like you posted. I mean if your gonna be an asshole… might as well be a consistent asshole.

I’m sorry… i shouldn’t have been an asshole, it’s just that i don’t like long stuff like that… it’s too robotic. Anyway, here’s my little Mai input (this is probably already known):

throw a fan from far away, and do HCF + Kick move…if they roll through it they will get hit by that kick move!

i learned this from js master…

and now…Mai runaway:

wait till opponent gets close, then sj back, triangle jump off the wall, then QCB + punch move to go to other side of screen…very hard to stop.

Fuck, u dis and then post that…:confused:

DAmn guy, u really should be nice.

How about this…

Her forward firewall move has startup invincibility and is pretty much the perfect anti-air if they jump on it. Her j. rh trades with uppercuts.

No, the point i’m TRYING to make through sarcasm is that she is really easy to use. Her main thing is her runaway. And she has a slutty roll. That’s basically the only noteworthy thing she has.

Dead Wrong! Her main thing is not her runaway … maybe it’s because you don’t know the trick to break that … but ask JS if he ever want to try that shit over and over against the DT guys … It’s all about her irritating fans.

Yes, how stupid could I have been. It’s all about the fans. Them high-priority, sickly damaging, inescapable, and invincible fans of hers. :rolleyes:

You, sir, are an idiot. The fans in and of themselves don’t need to do any damage. They merely set up for counters, since the opponent has to avoid them.

BTW, your first post in this thread gave away your scrubbiness - “all u need to know is <week 1 stuff that is beaten by top players>”

Any post that attempts to describe “STRATEGY AND TACTICS” for a specific character, that begins with “all u need to know is” and only lasts that long is OBVIOUSLY written by a scrub.

That being said, I’ll add to GalzPanic’s good shit -

From close up, close s.short IS extremely good, but from further away use her s.jab as an annoying poke.

Use Jab Turn & Burns to build meter like crazy from far away. If they choose to jump in and attack you from that distance, it’s a great anti-air.

When you’re knocked down, wake up with a RC Turn & Burn. It’s extremely easy to do.

Since this thread is getting pretty cool…

Let me start out by saying… I really really think Mai is very very very good in this game. The only problem I ever find with her is… she does no damage. I mean so often… I find I am totally outthinking/outplaying a Blanka player, it seems like I hit them 2343242 times, then they trade two FPs w/ me, and somehow we have the same amount of life.

I guess it has alot to do w/ Mai not doing damage in addition to her best pokes being weak attacks… hence… random CH don’t do much.

That being said.

Mai has alot of shit going for her. IMO she has one of the best footsie games. Her cr FP is like shield against alot of pokes… Blanka’s cr FP and his slide lose to it… catch is… it has no range… so u gotta bait them to poke.

Her st MP is also a high priority counter poke… it covers a good range of area to stuff. It also stuffs Blanka’s slide.

Her st MK, goes over lows. Take it for what its worth… tho, I wish I could combo off it.

St jab and st cl short both been mentioned.

st far RH… now… this is a decent poke to continue the pressure. Think of it like Ken’s f + st RH or even like Ryu’s rushing FP. It isn’t to be abused… cuz of the semislow start up… but its long… so use it wisely.

cr RH… cuz it is… ummm really really fast and recovers too well.

st far FP is an AA for far away stuff. st cl MK, st cl RH for close up stuff, and crossup attempts. j back FP works too. Air throw w/ Mai is too good. Cuz she jumps fast like Vega… so it is easy to air throw people who try and do deep jump ins or late crossups. Props to all the Mai players who air throw Blanka out of his cross screen ball in match play.

As for strategy. I find that in A and C groove… being more turtly works better for her. So in those grooves… you tend to zone more w/ fans and look for oppurtunities to land ur CC or supers. She is more meant for frustration in those grooves. Frustrate them… then when they do something dumb… blast them.

In N and other Run oriented grooves. U can basically play her as a “I wanna be a Shoto and Blanka” character. Running jabs. her low jump game is awesome as well. In low jump grooves… u can basically use low jump RH as people would use a hopkick back in A3 days. cuz low jump RH is so fast and high priority. Then when they try to start blocking that… open up the empty jump games. And you can also turtle w/ Mai in these grooves. But I don’t feel as comfortable doing it because her jump isn’t as fast as before (due to the low jump)… this really prevents me from abusing j back FP and air throw to force people to stick to ground games… where she excells.

Thats my thoughts on her.

St.Jab is really good. A lot of ppl underestimate Mai at that range and get stuffed a lot, so you have a lot of options after. You can also use it as a fake into low jump…kinda lazy see u later bump!

Hey GalzPanic. I met you before in a tourney at SVGL a while back.

Anyway, I’m starting to use Mai in S-Groove. Do think running crouching shorts is an effective tactic for her? I usually mix it up the runs and pokes with dodge then out of dodge standing punch canceled into fans for pressure.

They’re alright. Both her low jab and low shorts have relatively longer recovery time than say Ryu. You can do it, but I wouldn’t do it more than three times in a round and not more than 3 jabs or shorts. Any more than that and a good player will out-prioritize your shorts. But like anything, you should do it to mix things up. That way you can get throws and low jumps etc. to connect.

I just want to say, that her fans aren’t as safe as they seem. Cr. rh into fan can be rolled right before the fan. Its happened to me.

Something else … it can be punished on hit too. By lvl 3 supers. I used cr rh (Blocked) into fan, that hit, but Benimaru’s (Did I spell the name right?) lvl 3 super hit her before she could recover. Thats crazy …

what is her crossup?

j.short. I’m not sure about cross up with j.rdh.


god damn joe
i always end up trying to pick up one of your characters from like three years ago
maybe i’ll go from beni->mai->rugal

Dood I been tryin to change my team forever, but I feel most comfy with those bitches.